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Recently Asked marketing Questions

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  • Q1: а.Specify the social network sites and their type b. Create an Instagram account for your business.Provide a link and a screenshot c. Give a description of your account (highlights,description of the three columns) d. What social media strategies would you choose to apply using your Instagram account (clearly describe how)See Answer
  • Q2: a. What digital marketing tools do you plan on your business? Provide details of each using for b. What Digital Marketing strategies do you plan on using? ExplainSee Answer
  • Q3: a. Describe a sponsorship would be involved in or an event marketing that you b. What ways could you show your social responsibility?See Answer
  • Q4: a. What alternative marketing tools would(provide clear description)you use? b. In-store marketing ideas if applicableSee Answer
  • Q5: a. What types of sales promotions would you use?(provide details)See Answer
  • Q6:You are unhappy with one of your service providers (e.g., cable TV, mobile phone), and you have decided to create an online survey on a social media platform that you use to find out what your social network thinks about this type of service and what recommendations it has. Write a 2- to 3-page paper (not including title, reference, or appendix pages) that: • Explains the message you plan to include in your survey, your choice of questions, how you plan to deal with bias, and the sample size that you will target. Evaluates online social platforms that you could use, identifies the platform selected for your survey, and explains the rationale for your choice. • Includes a summary of the findings from your survey. You must set up the survey on one of the main social media sites that you use and share it with your friends. Include the survey you created in the appendix of the paper.See Answer
  • Q7:You are unhappy with one of your service providers (e.g., cable TV, mobile phone), and you have decided to create an online survey on a social media platform that you use to find out what your social network thinks about this type of service and what recommendations it has. Write a 2- to 3-page paper (not including title, reference, or appendix pages) that: • Explains the message you plan to include in your survey, your choice of questions, how you plan to deal with bias, and the sample size that you will target. Evaluates online social platforms that you could use, identifies the platform selected for your survey, and explains the rationale for your choice. • Includes a summary of the findings from your survey. You must set up the survey on one of the main social media sites that you use and share it with your friends. Include the survey you created in the appendix of the paper.See Answer
  • Q8: Find a company which is successful in brand extension and discuss how and why it is successful for brand extension (not just why but also how).See Answer
  • Q9:Assessment title: DEF/REF Marketing Channels, Operations Management & Digital Business - Assessment 1 The report should have a suitable structure and may follow the recommended structure: • Title Page (state the title, and the word count) • Disability Statement (if applicable) Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusions/ Recommendations References • Appendices (optional) You are permitted to upload your work multiple times before the deadline. Please ensure that you upload the correct file when you upload your work, since this will be considered to be your submission.See Answer
  • Q10:ASSESSMENT SUMMARY: The current and evolving operational digital perspectives and the sustainability challenges on supply chain management and operations strategy in the beauty/cosmetic industry. The unnatural ingredients used in cosmetic industry along with excessive packaging and irresponsible material sourcing and animal testing constitute huge problems for the environment as well as the whole supply chain of this massive and growing market. Focusing on a company of your choice within that industry, discuss and evaluate the sustainable challenges on operations and supply chain management to meet current and future market trends. Also identify the need for a sustainability and digital strategy to achieve a competitive advantage. You need to demonstrate understanding of how organizations effectively manage the range of operational functions and supply chain in an evolving and innovative business context. Additionally, reflect on operations and sustainability principles and make informed suggestions using theories/models and applied practices with the support of academic sources.] The report should be logically structured, making use of headings/sub-headings and paragraphs. Remember to spell check, grammar check and proofread. This is an anonymous report, please do NOT use your ID or NAME. The word limit is 2000 words (maximum) (excluding title page, Executive Summary, table of contents, diagrams, tables, figures, reference list and appendices) Format: PDF or Word file, page numbers, 1.5-line spacing, normal margins, Arial/Times Roman 12-point font Assessment title: DEF/REF Marketing Channels, Operations Management & Digital Business - Assessment 2 The report should have a suitable structure and may follow the recommended structure: Title Page (state the title, and the word count) • Disability Statement (if applicable) • Executive Summary • Table of Contents • Introduction • Main Body • Conclusions/ Recommendations References Appendices (optional) .See Answer
  • Q11:The themes of Unit 5 are STP and IMC. Make a journal entry that answers the following question: How can you use social media to build your personal brand? What steps should you take to ensure the best possible outcome? Provide the details, expected outcomes, metrics and time line for your personal branding efforts. Tanner, J. & Raymond, M.A. (2016). Principles of marketing. Open Textbooks for Hong Kong. Licensed under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa. Read online at: https://www.opentextbooks.org.hk/ditabook/16010 MindTools. (n.d.). Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) model: What is the STP process in marketing? Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/stp-model.html 200 words | 7th EDITION APA CITATION FORMAT WITH IN TEXT CITATION! The story link sent should be the only focus in answering the question.See Answer
  • Q12:Select any two business Net types (outlined in Introduction to Electronic Commerce by Kutz) and one example of each. Compare and contrast the two examples on commonalities and differences between them. Then discuss each type in terms of the following organizational gains that are made possible by e-commerce: Profitability Increased market share Improving service Faster delivery of product Kutz, M. (2016). Introduction to Electronic Commerce: Combining Business and Information Technology. Bookboon Chapter 1 Watson, R.T., Berthon, P., Pitt, L. F. & Zinkham, G. M. (2008). Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective. Global Text Project. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Chapters 1 & 2.See Answer
  • Q13:Assignment 01 - Air France Case Name: Air France Internet Marketing: Optimizing Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and Kayak Sponsored Search. From: Harvard Business Publishing. A link to download for this course is provided in the Week O folder (might already have reduced price = $4.25). From the link, you can download the case PDF and supplementary Excel file. Submission requirements: 1. Submit a PDF file of the case analysis answering 3 questions (provided in the slides) and your Excel file that you receive and edit for analysis (as discussed in the class). 2. Use APA 7th edition writing style for submitting the report. Resources regarding the APA 7th edition writing style are available on this link - https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research and citation/apa style/apa formatting and style g uide/apa_sample_paper.html and also on the left-hand side (on Purdue OWL website) we can see more options regarding any specific questions. 3. Summary of a few major points regarding the format (APA 7th edition): - Font type - Times New Roman - Font size - 12 - Double-spaced and make sure that there is no extra space after each paragraph (Microsoft Word defaults to including one. Fix this by highlighting your entire paper, clicking the Paragraph Settings button [bottom-right corner of Paragraph section at top of the page/screen], then selecting "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style" or making the Spacing After = 0) -1" margins -Align left - Page numbers on top right corner (also in Times New Roman) - "Excluding" cover page/title page, try limiting the report to 5 pages - Do not put page-long charts and figures, appropriate chart and figure sizes for the assignments are less than half a page (unless a special case, then make a footnote for explaining that) 4. What you would be submitting in a PDF file is your explanation of your analysis - this will help in grading to assess your reasoning for the analysis you submitted in the excel file: - Recommendations for publishers and campaigns in terms of quadrant analysis - What data/metrics used and the basis of your recommendationsSee Answer
  • Q14:200 words, 24 hr deadline, 7th edition APA citation format with in text citation This assignment is based on the premise of learning cultural differences in business settings and how to deal with international business situations correctly while respecting the national culture of others.See Answer
  • Q15:200 words, 24 hr deadline, 7th edition APA citation format with in text citation This assignment is based on the premise of learning cultural differences in business settings and how to deal with international business situations correctly while respecting the national culture of others.See Answer
  • Q16:200 words, 7th edition APA CITATION FORMAT WITH IN TEXT CITATIONS! The reading assignments this week discuss the role of social media in e-commerce. According to Henderson (2020), social media has about 59% of online users. In some ways, social media has disrupted marketing as we know it. Discuss how savvy businesses can harness social media to encourage business success. What are the challenges they face? How do businesses 'keep up' in an environment that changes so rapidly? cha, O., & Agwu, E., (2016). Effectiveness of social media networks as a strategic tool for organisational marketing management. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 21, 1-19. https://www.icommercecentral.com/open-access/effectiveness-of-social-media-networks-as- a-strategic-tool-for-organizational-marketing-management.pdfSee Answer
  • Q17:200 words, 7th edition APA CITATION FORMAT WITH IN TEXT CITATIONS! The reading assignments this week discuss the role of social media in e-commerce. According to Henderson (2020), social media has about 59% of online users. In some ways, social media has disrupted marketing as we know it. Discuss how savvy businesses can harness social media to encourage business success. What are the challenges they face? How do businesses 'keep up' in an environment that changes so rapidly? cha, O., & Agwu, E., (2016). Effectiveness of social media networks as a strategic tool for organisational marketing management. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 21, 1-19. https://www.icommercecentral.com/open-access/effectiveness-of-social-media-networks-as- a-strategic-tool-for-organizational-marketing-management.pdfSee Answer
  • Q18: Instructions Provide solid reasons why you believe that companies are successful in USA and not Globally OR Vice Versa? Answer in 150 wordsSee Answer
  • Q19:Assignment 2 1. What are the problem with MSN-US campaigns when compared with Google US? (Explain with the data you have or analysis you have performed. In Answer use numbers also not just words.) 2. How should the problems be addressed at Air France? (Overall recommendations for the company in terms of their digital/internet marketing) 3. For the publisher having CTR and landing page recommendations, what further strategy you could come up with? (Explain details of improvements)/n4. What bidding strategies Air France should use for Google US campaigns? (Explain why as well) 5. For an agency such as WPP -If the existing business model needs to change, what would the agency's business model look like? (Hint: current data and metrics to what they can provide. Consider future opportunities from the programmatic ads class)See Answer
  • Q20:Essay 1: Narrative, Visual Reading and Political Advertisement In a paper of roughly you are to track down a political advertisement guilty of underhanded techniques in its partisan electoral pitch (you may choose print or video as you prefer) and explain what nefarious tactics it employs to sell its product. Your goal is to expose the misdeeds of the advertisement: in what sense is the ad "wrong" in its presentation of its subject matter, and how would an educated audience refute its claims? Your analysis should certainly include an analysis of logical fallacies used in the ad. As we have discussed in class, however, there's lots of other ways political ads mislead us, as well. Thus, you'll also want to explore the "visual reading" tactics we've examined in this week of the course. That is, you should examine not only how the ad twists logic to sell an idea or candidate, but also how it carefully crafts visual imagery to sell that electoral product. (We will practice combining these techniques in class as the deadline approaches.) For this first assignment, I'm asking you to perform only a small amount of research. In this case, you'll be doing "primary" research - that is, you'll be exploring the internet to find the ad you'll be writing about. (That's distinct from "secondary" research - in which you find sources that are studying the same thing you are. The research you will undertake on future essays in the class will be "secondary" research.) As you go out and find the ad you'll write about, remember that you should select carefully: your papers will go much better if you find ads that offer a wealth of logical and visual trickery to expose. Not all ads do (even the political ones).See Answer

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