
quantitative analysis for business management homework help

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Recently Asked quantitative analysis for business management Questions

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  • Q1: Define control and explain four benefits of having a control syste, in an oragnisation (b)What are the qualities of an effective control system? Explain.See Answer
  • Q2: (а)Explain five (5) characteristics of programmed and non-programmed decisions.Provide relevant examples to support your answers.(12 marks) (b)Managers handling programmed decisions would rely on procedures, rules and policies while non-programmed decisions would rely on judgement and creativity.Explain.(8 marks)See Answer
  • Q3: (а)Define the term "communication". (b)Explain four (4) barriers to effective communication and suggest four (4) ways to(16 marks)overcome it.See Answer
  • Q4:The Microprocessor data shows the demand for one type of chip used in industrial equipment from a small manufacturer. . Construct a chart of the data. What appears to happen when a new chip is introduced? Develop a regression model to forecast demand that includes both time and the introduction of a new chip as explanatory variables. • What would the forecast be for the next month if a new chip is introduced? What would it be if a new chip is not introduced?See Answer
  • Q5:SAT is a standardized test for high school students. The SAT data is a study that examines the SAT and GPA information of 105 students who graduated from a university with a B.S. in computer science. As an advisor to the Admission Officer, you want to accept student applicants that have the high potential to excel in university. . Can you predict a student's college grades using the grades and test scores from high school? • What variables should or should not be included? Be sure to think about what variables are available at the time of application. Do not include if it is not available in highschool years. What is the final model? • What is the minimum requirement to get university GPA above 3?See Answer
  • Q6:1. Access 2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018 Intel Forms 10-K from the SEC.gov EDGAR database. Do not use 10Q.See Answer
  • Q7:2. Using the Form 10-K and annual reports, answer the following questions: (a) Craft a short succinct narrative of Intel's business including what the company does and what are the major product segments. Explain the major product transition taking place at the company. (Hint: this is described in 2019). Do not cut and paste from the annual report, this narrative should be in your own words. Points will be deducted for this. Your source should only include the annual reports. Do not take information from the internet or Wikipedia. The goal here is for you to be able to read and decipher and translate an annual report. This will be a base for you to later assess Intel's competitiveness in their industry. You are limited to three sentences for this description which will require you to be very precise. Points will be deducted for a description with more than three sentences. (15pts) (b) Provide a bar graph of revenue for the past 5 years (ie. 2017-2021) detailed in the financial statements. Overlay the revenue growth rates on your bar graph. Do not cut and paste any graphs from the financial statements. Your graph should be visually clear and appealing and accurate. Include proper labels and title. You should have a label on each data point. Points will be deducted for improper labeling. (20pts) (c) Explain how and when revenues are recognized? (Hint: Notes to Financial Statement) Provide details (ie. Not just accrual accounting). Discuss the accounting change made in 2018 and how that would affect the revenues reported in 2018. Focus on top-line sales only. No need for a detailed description of rebates, etc. (15pts)See Answer
  • Q8:It will be helpful to know the following terms and their basic meaning. Chips/semiconductor Nanometer (nm) Wafer CPU GPU 5GSee Answer
  • Q9:5-14 The Southern Rail Company ships coal by rail from three coal mines to meet the demand requirements of four coal depots. The following table shows the distances from the mines to the various depots and the availabilities and requirements for coal. Determine the best shipment of coal cars to minimize the total miles traveled by the cars. Table for Problem 5-14 From Parris Butler Century Demand for cars To Columbia Albany Springfield Pleasatanburg Supply of Cars 50 20 100 30 30 80 40 45 60 10 80 25 70 90 30 20 35 60 25See Answer
  • Q10:A meat packing house is creating a new variety of hot dog for the low-calorie, low- fat, low-cholesterol market. This new hot dog will be made of beef and pork, plus either chicken, turkey, or both. It will be marketed as a 2-ounce all-meat hot dog, with no fillers. Also, it will have no more than 6 grams of fat, no more than 27 grams of cholesterol, and no more than 100 calories. The cost per pound for beef, pork, chicken, and turkey, plus their calorie, fat, and cholesterol counts are shown in the following table. Cost/Pound Beef Pork $0.76 Turkey $0.82 Chicken $0.64 $0.58 Calories/Pound 640 1,055 780 528 Fat (g/lb.) Cholesterol (g/lb.) 32.5 54.0 25.6 6.4 210 205 220 172 The packer would like each 2-ounce hot dog to be at least 25% beef and at least 25% pork. What is the most economical combination of the four meats to make this hot dog?See Answer
  • Q11:1. Three airlines serve a small town in South Africa. Airline A has 60% of all the scheduled flights, airline B has 30%, and airline C has the remaining 10%. Their on-time rates are 80%, 60%, and 40% respectively. Define event O as an airline arrives on time. a. Calculate P(A and O). b. Calculate P(B and O). c. Calculate P(C and O). (4 marks) (4 marks) (4 marks)See Answer
  • Q12:2. A certain brand of flood lamps has a lifetime that is normally distributed with a mean of 3,750 hours and a standard deviation of 300 hours. a. What proportion of these lamps will last for more than 4,000 hours? b. What proportion of these Lams will last less than 3,600 hours? c. What proportion of these lamps will last between 3,800 and 4,100 hours? (6 marks) d. What lifetime should the manufacturer advertise for these lamps in order that only 2% of the lamps will burn out before the advertised lifetime? (6 marks) Effective date 06/09/2019 (5 marks) (5 marks) Page 1 of 4See Answer
  • Q13:3. The amount of time spent by American adults playing sports per week is normally distributed with a mean of 4 hours and standard deviation of 1.25 hours. a. Find the probability that a randomly selected American adult plays sports for more than 5 hours per week. (4 marks) b. Find the probability that if four American adults are randomly selected, their average number of hours spent playing sports is more than 5 hours per week. (6 marks) c. Find the probability that if four American adults are randomly selected, all four play sports for more than 5 hours per week. (6 marks)See Answer
  • Q14:Problem 1 An investment related to developing a new product is estimated to have the following costs and revenues in "today's" or "time zero" dollars. -50,000 0 -150,000 1 220,000 -120,000 2 220,000 -120,000 5 a. Evaluate the project escalated dollar ROR if all costs are estimated to escalate at 15% per year from time zero with income escalating at 10% per year. b. Make constant dollar ROR analysis of part (a) based on the prediction that the inflation rate for the next five years will be 3% per year. c. Calculate the escalated dollar NPV assuming 15% of hurdle rate.See Answer
  • Q15:Problem 2 The expected costs and revenues for a project are shown below. The investment cost could be off by ±30%. The operating costs could be off by ±5%, and the revenue could be off by ±15%. Determine the NPV for both the best-case scenario and the worst-case scenario. Year Investment Operating Cost Revenue 0 (2,000) 1 (1,400) (1,000) 2,000 2 (800) 2,000 3 (800) 2,000 4 (800) 2,000 5 (800) 2,000See Answer
  • Q16:Problem 3 There is an opportunity to acquire well-servicing equipment for $600,000. There is a 15 % probability that after acquiring the equipment we decide to NOT pursue the well-servicing business. In this case, we could sell the equipment next year for $500,000. If we go into the well- servicing business, we anticipate annual after-tax revenues of $300,000 for 5 years, starting next year. There is a 35 % probability that we enter the business and have to overhaul and upgrade some of the equipment in 2 years. This would reduce after-tax cash flow by $200,000 in Year 2. Should we purchase the equipment? We are currently earning 20% on other investment opportunities.See Answer
  • Q17:Problems 3-17 Kenneth Brown is the principal owner of Brown Oil, Inc. After quitting his university teaching job, Ken has been able to increase his annual salary by a fac- tor of over 100. At the present time, Ken is forced to consider purchasing some more equipment for Brown Oil because of competition. His alternatives are shown in the following table: EQUIPMENT Sub 100 Oiler J Texan FAVORABLE UNFAVORABLE MARKET MARKET ($) ($) 300,000 -200,000 250,000 -100,000 75,000 -18,000 For example, if Ken purchases a Sub 100 and if there is a favorable market, he will realize a profit of $300,000. On the other hand, if the market is unfa- vorable, Ken will suffer a loss of $200,000. But Ken has always been a very optimistic decision maker. (a) What type of decision is Ken facing? (b) What decision criterion should he use? (c) What alternative is best? 31%See Answer
  • Q18:KID ing Wallace Garden Supply is more accurate. :5-17 Data collected on the yearly demand for 50-pound bags of fertilizer at Wallace Garden Supply are shown in the following table. Develop a 3-year mov- ing average to forecast sales. Then estimate demand again with a weighted moving average in which sales in the most recent year are given a weight of 2 and sales in the other 2 years are each given a weight of 1. Which method do you think is better? YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DEMAND FOR FERTILIZER (1,000s OF BAGS) 4 6 4 5 10 8 7 (Continued on next page)/nYEAR 8 9 10 11 DEMAND FOR FERTILIZER (1,000s OF BAGS) 9 12 14 15 OIXSee Answer
  • Q19:Q1. Summary Information and Basic Counts a) How many different store units does Mr. Macky's currently have? b) How many different large market store units does Mr. Macky's currently have? c) How many different medium market store units does Mr. Macky's currently have?See Answer
  • Q20:Q2: The variability in the effectiveness of human capital a) Fill in the table below for the Return on Labor for Mr. Macky's, based on the restaurant performance information. Mean Standard Deviation Range Min Max Overall ROL ROL in the Large Market ROL in the Medium Market b) Compare the results of the Overall ROL, ROL in the large market, and ROL in the medium market, what did you find? Briefly interpret your findings and takeaways. (Briefly state with 50 words maximum.) Answer:See Answer

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