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  • Q1: After executing the instruction, ASRS r1, r2,#5, what decimal value is contained inregister r1 assuming that the value in registerr2 is -26000 (decimal negative). Give youranswer in decimal, not hexadecimal.See Answer
  • Q2: Given the following program indicate thecorrect order of execution of the first fiveinstructions See Answer
  • Q3: \text { In terms of a DAC define resolution, range, precision, monotonic }See Answer
  • Q4: .Write C code that increments a variable, but forces it to a range of 0 to 31 (0,1,2,3, ... 29,30,31,0,1,2,..)See Answer
  • Q5: Question 4 (Counters): Design a sequential circuit with positive-edged T flip-flops that counts up with clock pulses over Fibonacci numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13) that can be represented using 4-bit binary values (A3A2A1A)2. The circuit (re)starts counting from 1 after it reaches 13. This circuit outputs Z = 1 when the counter value is 1, 5 or 8, for other cases it outputs Z = 0. (4.a) Draw the state diagram of this circuit. (4.b) Prepare the state table for this counter. Indicate every possible present state and map these states to a corresponding next state and output value. (4.c) Derive the simplified flip-flop input equations and output equations. .d) Draw the logic diagram.See Answer
  • Q6: Executive Summary Submission Prototype Activity Report Must summarize the information in the document. indicate what risks were addressed, the mitigation strategy, the results, and resulting changes to the projectSee Answer
  • Q7:It is easy to demonstrate that amplitude modulation satisfies the superposition principle, whereas angle modulation does not. To be specific, let m₁(t) and m₂(t) be two message signals, and let u₁(t) and u₂(t) be the corresponding modulated versions. Show that if m₁(t) + m₂(t) frequency modulates a carrier, the modulated signal is not equal to u₁(t) + u₂(t).See Answer
  • Q8:an angle modulated signal is s(t) = 100 cos(2π fet + 4 sin 2 fmt), where the carrier frequency is fe = 10 MHz and the frequency of the message signal is fm = 1000 Hz. 1. Assume that s(t) is a FM signal. Find its modulation index and effective bandwidth. 2. Assume that s(t) is a PM signal. Find its modulation index and effective bandwidth.See Answer
  • Q9:Find the smallest value of the modulation index in an FM system that guarantees that all the modulated signal power is contained in the sidebands and no power is transmitted at the carrier frequency.See Answer
  • Q10:FM demodulation can be implemented by a differentiator followed by an envelope detector (as shown below). See Answer
  • Q11:Figure A below depicts the communication system that you have simulated during the laboratory session. Questions in this section relates to the session. 2 Carrier Signal SECTION A Baseband Signal Amplitude Modulator Scope Figure A: communication system block diagram If the baseband signal (in mV) is described by the following expression v = 2 sin (2π 10t), determine its frequency. If the baseband signal (in mV) is described by the following expression v = 7 sin (2π 500t), determine its amplitude.See Answer
  • Q12:4 5 6 3 If the carrier signal (in mV) is described by the following expression v = 50 sin (2π *5*10³t), determine its frequency. If the carrier signal (in mV) is described by the following expression v = 30 sin (2π * 10*10°t), determine its frequency. If the baseband signal (in mV) is given by v = 4 sin (2π * 4t), and the carrier signal (in mV) is given by v = 10 sin (2m 50t), determine the highest and lowest voltage readings that can be observed on the scope. Which type of modulation technique is used for the signal illustrated below:See Answer
  • Q13:Mul de 7 8 Which type of modulation technique is used for the signal illustrated below: M Which type of modulation technique is used for the signal illustrated below: vele mitt celuiaSee Answer
  • Q14:9 10 Which type of modulation technique is used for the signal illustrated below: Which type of modulation technique is used for the signal illustrated below:See Answer
  • Q15:Q1. Determine the signal space representation of the four signals sk(t), k = 1, 2, 3, 4, shown below by using as basis functions the orthonormal functions o(t) and 2 (t). Plot the signal space diagram, and show that this signal set is equivalent to that for a four-phase PSK signal. (1) $2(1) 1-1-10 1.10 $₁,(1) $2(1) S4(1) 0 Q2. Consider the two 8-point QAM signal constellation shown below. The minimum distance between adjacent symbol is 2 in both constellations. (-2,2) (2,2) Constellation A $3(1) (2,-2) (-2./3) (013) (2,3) (0,√3) (-1,0) (1.0) (2.-√3) Constellation B i Determine the average transmitted energy per symbol for each constellation, assuming that all the signal points in each constellation are equally likely. ii Which of the above two constellations would you prefer to use on an AWGN channel and why?See Answer
  • Q16:5 6 Consider the 8-PSK constellation shown in the figure. Where d is the distance between two signal points and the circle's radius is 2. Find the distance d. A QPSK has the transmitted waveforms S₁ (t) = 4 cos (2nfet +) where i = 0,1, 2, 3 and 0 < t < Ts Draw its signal space diagram.See Answer
  • Q17:Problem 1: 2.3 A data signal consists of an infinite sequence of rectangular pulses of duration T. That is, s(t) = Σbipr(t-IT), |=-00 where pr(t) is 1 for 0 ≤ t ≤ T and 0 elsewhere. The data is represented by b, and is either +1 or - 1. The signal is filtered by a low- pass RC filter with impulse response h(t) = ae-u(t), where u(t) is one for t < 0 and is 0 otherwise. The filter output is sampled every T seconds. 128 (a) Find an expression for the output of the filter at time in terms of bo, b_1, b_2, ... (b) Suppose that bo = +1. Find the largest and smallest possible value (over all possible data sequences except bo) of the sampled output.See Answer
  • Q18:Problem 2: 2.4 (a) Consider two signals of duration 7 seconds: 40(1) = 91(1) = 40(1) = √√COS(2 √cos(2 91(1) = Determine the minimum separation between fo and f₁ so that po(t) and 4₁ (t) are orthogonal. You may assume that (fo + fi)T » 1. (b) Consider two signals of duration Ţ seconds: √ cos(2лfot)pr(t) √ cos(2лfit)pr(t). cos(2л fot)pr (1) sin(2л fit)pr(t). Determine the minimum (nonzero) separation between fo and f₁ so that yo(t) and ₁(1) are orthogonal. You may assume that (fo+fi)T » 1./n(c) Consider two sets of orthogonal signals of duration 7 seconds. Signal set one consists of signals po(t) and ₁(1): 40(t) = 91(1): Signal set two consists of signals o(t) and ₁(1): 40(t) = cos(2л fot) pr (t) √ 4/1(1): sin(2л fot)pr (t). cos(2л fit)pr (1) √ sin(2лf₁t)pr(t). Determine the minimum separation between fo and f₁ so that either signal in signal set 1 is orthogonal to any signal in signal set 2. You may assume that (fo + fi)T » 1.See Answer
  • Q19:Problem 3: 2.5 A filter has impulse response h(t) shown in Figure 2.68. h(t) = -pr(t) + pr(t – T) + pr(t − 2T) - pr(t - 3T) + pr(t - 4T) - pr(t – 5T) – pr(t – 6T) 129 Note that each pulse lasts Ţ seconds since the plot has a scale of t/T. (a) The input x(1) to the filter is a single rectangular pulse of duration T. Find the output of the filter. Plot this from time-T to time 9T. (b) Using the result above and superposition (linearity principle), find the output due to the sequence of pulses shown in Figure 2.70. Plot the output from time - 1 to time 15T./nh(t) Figure 2.68 Figure 2.68 Impulse response for Problem 2.5. t/T LySee Answer
  • Q20:Problem 4: 4. Gram-Schmidt [9 points] Consider a set of four signals given by Sm(t) 2 for 0 < t < (m + 1), and m = 0,1,2,3. Sm(t) = 0 otherwise. Using Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure find an orthonormal set of signals m(t), for m = 0, 1, 2, 3 such that each of the original signals can be written as a lincar combination of them.See Answer

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