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  • Q1: Due 9 November 2020 at 12:20 PM. No late projects will be accepted. No exceptions. The figure above shows a simplified diagram of a water distribution system for a fifteen story building. Line 1 is 150 ft of 3" Sch 40 steel pipe with 7 standard 90° elbows, and a gate valve and a globe valve. Line 2 is 62 ft of 2" Sch 40 steel pipe with 5 standard 90° elbows, and two gate valves. Line 3 is 75 ft of 1" Sch 40 steel pipe with 8 standard 45° elbows, a gate valve and a globe valve. Line 4 is 57 ft of 3/4" Sch 40 steel pipe with 4 standard 90° elbows, a gate valve and a globe valve. Line 2 is 50 ft above the pump, line 3 is 100 ft above the pump, and line 4 is 150 ft above the pump. Determine the pump discharge pressure and the flow rate through each line if the pump is delivering 165 gpm. Redo the analysis assuming the pump curve is given by P = 330 – 0.008Q², in which P is given in psi and Q is given in terms of gpm. If the pump is insufficient to supply water to the storage tanks, determine the minimum specifications that would be required and recommend a specific make and model that is sold online.See Answer
  • Q2: 7. (5 points) What criteria are often considered when evaluating a highway project?See Answer
  • Q3: 12. (15 points) The Alabama crash data show that a stop-controlled intersection in Tuscaloosa has an average of 15 crashes per year. This stop-controlled intersection is causing excessive delays during peak hours. The City plans to convert the intersection into a roundabout which is often associated with a greater operational efficiency than a stop-controlled intersection. Before the conversion, the City wants to know whether the project can also improve the safety. If yes, please calculate the number of crashes that could be reduced by this project.See Answer
  • Q4: 9. (15 points) A highway segment has the following safety facts during 2009 and 2018: Mean =15.2 crashes per year with a Standard Deviation 6.5. In 2019, a total of the 25 crashes occurred on this segment. Determine whether the safety performance of this segment was normal in 2019?See Answer
  • Q5: 11. (10 points) A signalized intersection has 4 legs with a major road traffic volume of 35,000vehicles per day and a minor road traffic volume of 8,000 vehicles per day. Calculate the expected average multi-vehicle crash frequency for this intersection under base conditions.According to HSM, the base condition Safety Performance Function for multi-vehicle crashes at a 4-legged signalized intersection isSee Answer
  • Q6: 11. (10 points) A signalized intersection has 4 legs with a major road traffic volume of 35,000vehicles per day and a minor road traffic volume of 8,000 vehicles per day. Calculate the expected average multi-vehicle crash frequency for this intersection under base conditions.According to HSM, the base condition Safety Performance Function for multi-vehicle crashes at a 4-legged signalized intersection isSee Answer
  • Q7: 2. (5 points) List the levels of injury severity in following two scales: а. КАВСО Scale b. Abbreviated Injury ScaleSee Answer
  • Q8: 5. (5 points) Use your own words to define Safety Performance Function.See Answer
  • Q9: 3. (5 points) Use your own words to explain the under reported issue in crash data.See Answer
  • Q10: 6. (5 points) Use your own words to define Crash Modification Factor.See Answer
  • Q11: 7. (10 points) An intersection with a 5,000 daily traffic volume had 35 crashes last year.Calculate the crash rate in rate per million entering vehicles.See Answer
  • Q12: 8. (10 points) A 20 mi highway segment with a 4,000 daily traffic volume had 35 crashes last year. Calculate the crash rate in rate per million entering vehicles.See Answer
  • Q13: 7.2 (20.20) - 20 points: A transportation engineering study was conducted to determine the proper design of bike lanes. Data were gathered on bike lane widths and average distance between bikes and passing cars. The data from nine streets are (a) Plot these data sets. (b) Fit a straight line to these data with linear regression. Add this line to the plot. ©) If the minimum safe average distance between bikes and passing cars is considered to be2 m, determine the corresponding minimum lane width.See Answer
  • Q14: 7.3 (20.25) - 20 points: In water-resources engineering, the sizing of reservoirs depends inaccurate estimates of water flow in the river that is being impounded. For some rivers, long-term historical records of such flow data are difficult to obtain. In contrast, meteorological data on precipitation is often available for many years past. Therefore, it is often useful to determine relationship between flow and precipitation. This relationship can then be used to estimate flows for years when only precipitation measurements were made. The following data are available fora river that is to be dammed: (a) Plot these data sets. (b) Fit a straight line to these data with linear regression. Superimpose this line on your plot. (c) Use the best-fit line to predict the annual water flow if the precipitation is 120 cm. (d) If the drainage area is 1100 km², estimate what fraction of the precipitation is lost via processes such as evaporation, deep groundwater infiltration, and consumptive use.See Answer
  • Q15: 7.4 (20.33) - 20 points: The following model is frequently used in environmental engineering to parameterize the effect of temperature T (°C) on biochemical reaction rates k (per day), where k20 and 0 are parameters. Use a transformation to linearize this equation. Then employ linear regression to estimate k2o and u and predict the reaction rate at T = 17°C. See Answer
  • Q16: 7.6 (18.1) - 20 points: Estimate the common (base 10) logarithm of 9.5 using linear interpolation. (a) Interpolate between log(8) = 0.9030900 and log(12) = 1.0791812. (b) Interpolate between log(9) = 0.9542425 and log (11) = 1.0413927. For each of the interpolations, compute the percent relative error based on the true value. Now suppose you are also given that log(10) = 1. Use quadratic interpolation to find the logarithm of 9 for part (a) and (b). Compare the results.See Answer
  • Q17: 7.5 (20.34) - 20 points: As a member of Engineers Without Borders, you are working in community that has contaminated drinking water. At t = 0, you add a disinfectants contaminated with bacteria. You make the following measurements at several times thereafter:a cistern that If the water is safe to drink when the concentration falls below 5 #/100 mL, estimate the time at which the concentration will fall below this limitSee Answer
  • Q18: 7.1 (20.19) - 20 points: The shear stresses, in kilopascals (kPa), of nine specimens taken at various depths in a clay stratum are listed below. Estimate the shear stress at a depth of 4.5 m. (a) Using octave function compute various statistics (mean, variance, correlation) and plothistograms of the data sets.See Answer
  • Q19: Roadway Cross Section An existing ground cross section of 150’ on a highway project was surveyed as shown in Figure 1 with the center line at X=75. The surface is accurately estimated with the equation shown in figure.The following cross section design criteria are to be used: Table 1. Cross section design criteria Compute the key X positions and Y elevations at the edges of lanes, shoulders, slopes, and ditches.Determine where the daylight connections (X and Y values) are made on each side of the cross section. Include all calculations with a labeled/dimensioned sketch and submit as a memo with your narrative. See Answer
  • Q20: 3-22A driver on a level two-lane highway observes a truck completely blocking the highway. The driver was able to stop her vehicle only 30 ft from the truck. If the driver was driving at 55 mi/h, how far was she from the truck when she first observed it (assume perception-reaction time is 1.5 seconds)? How far was she from the truck at the moment the brakes were applied (use a/g = 0.35)?See Answer

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