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  • Q1:4) For the beam shown, find the reactions at the supports and plot the shear-force and bending-moment diagrams. Label the diagrams properly and provide values at all key points. (5 point for free body diagram, 5 points for calculating reaction forces and moments if any, 5 points for Shear body diagram, 5 points for bending moment diagram)See Answer
  • Q2:Drawing 2 for final submission 1. Draw plan at +1.0m LVL. 2. Draw Elevation on Building FSee Answer
  • Q3:Use library resources to locate an article from a scholarly journal or scholarly article from reputable online source that discusses an (engineering failure) and the ethical issues surrounding it. For example, Challenger or Columbia disasters, The BP oil spill, Kansas City Hyatt walkway, I-35 bridge collapse, Tacoma Bridge, Z Corp and toxic waste dispo- sal, Citicorp center in New York, Building Green: The Audubon Building, Toxic Waste Facilities: New South Wales (Australia) and Ward Valley (California), Saving Venice From Flooding: Civil Engineers vs. Ecologists. These are some suggested topics. However, there are many good articles out there. Read the article and prepare one page response paper. Your response should be an example of expository writing that reflects your opinion of the article you read or the topic it discussed. It should also be thoughtful, coherent, and well organized. In addition, please submit the hard copy of the article you selected. Some ideas for framing your response include: (a) Find one or two points in the article you found interesting and discuss; (b) Pick an argument that you disagreed with and state why; or (c) Discuss how the situation(s) described in the article might affect you in your career.See Answer
  • Q4:NOTE: Solutions must include complete sketches and Free-Body Diagrams, and complete equations WITH APPROPIATE SYMBOLS, JUST NUMBERS WILL NOT BE GRADED. Work must be NEAT, COMPLETE and ORGANIZED ("spaghetti-type" or unreadable work will NOT be graded). Used methods MUST be of class and textbook; all answers must be fully justified by shown work. Exercise 1 (50%): A beam has the section shown in the figure, and a shear force V = 2,000 lb is applied as in the figure. Compute Maximum shear stress AND Shear stress at B (above the line). You must (in this order): (i) (ii) Sketch GRAPHICAL complete NEAT breakdown of beam section to carry out computations that follow Compute from (i) the Moment of Inertia I of section (all used symbols/numbers AND RESULTS must be there, clear and legible; it must match breakdown of above (i)) (iv) Compute "Q" values of the section for points of maximum shear stress and for point B (above the line), and determine "t" for each Compute Maximum Shear stress and the Shear stress at point B (units ARE needed) 4" 6" ANSWERS: Maximum shear stress = Shear stress at B =See Answer
  • Q5:As part of a training exercise, the captain of the battleship U.S.S. Iowa is attempting to sink a training buoy 90 kilometers away using the 16" main deck guns. Consulting her ballistics handbook, she finds the following function which describes the trajectory of a projectile: X y = x( tana) + 1/29v₂cosa where g = -0.00981 km/s², y is the vertical distance of the projectile (km) and x is the horizontal distance from the ship (km). The projectile is fired with muzzle velocity vo and at an angle a from horizontal. Build an Excel spreadsheet to implement this equation. If the captain first attempts a shot with muzzle velocity vo = 0.942 km/s and at an angle a = 35°, calculate and plot the path of the projectile from x = 0 to 90 km, in 5 km increments. Assume the deck of the ship is at sea level. Use proper annotations within the sheet and label your plot appropriately. Your program must use both absolute and relative references. Structure your program so that the sheet updates automatically when the angle a is changed. Finally, use the spreadsheet you have created to answer the following question (use guess and check). Report your answers clearly in the Excel worksheet. 1. On her first attempt given above, the captain will undershoot the buoy. Keeping the same initial velocity, what does the angle a need to be (approximately) in order for the projectile to hit the buoy at x = 90 km? (assume +/- 0.1 km vertically counts as a hit) Submit your spreadsheet with a cover page. Title both your Excel spreadsheet and your submission.See Answer
  • Q6:A FAILURE X R&M Machinery had for years provided XYZ with sophisticated equipment and reliable repair service. XYZ returned a failed piece of equipment. A meeting was held which included Archie Hunter, a representative from XYZ; Norm Nash, R&M's returned goods area representative, and, Walt Winters, an R&M engineer intimately acquainted with the kind of equipment XYZ had returned. Norm Nash represented R&M's "official position": the piece of equipment is all right. However, during the course of the meeting it becomes apparent to Walt Winters that the problem has to be R&M's. He suspects that the equipment was not properly tested out by R&M, and that it failed because of an internal problem. Should Walt say anything about this in the presence of the customer, or should he wait until after the meeting to discuss this with Norm Nash? II Walt keeps silent during the meeting. After the meeting he talks with Norm about his diagnosis. He suggests they tell XYZ that the problem is R&M's fault, and that R&M will replace the defective equipment. Norm replies, "I don't think it's wise to acknowledge that it's our fault. There's no need to hang out our wash and lessen XYZ's confidence in the quality of our work. A 'good will' gesture to replace the equipment should suffice." R&M management decides to tell XYZ that they will adjust to the customer's needs "because you have been such a good customer all these years." Although R&M replaces the equipment at its own exprense, it does not tell XYZ the real nature of the problem. 1 Discuss R&M resolution of the problem. Should R&M's way of handling the problem be of any concern to Walt Winters at this point, or is it basically a "management problem"? III Many engineers eventually move into management positions. If Walt Winters moves into management, what lessons, if any, might he take with him from the above situation? [Prepared with James Jaksa.]See Answer
  • Q7:A railway embankment is to be built on a profile of soft clay in an estuarine environment of NSW. The ground surface is at elevation +2m AHD (AHD: Australian Height Datum) and the top surface of the embankment should be at elevation +4m AHD. The initial design put forward by a geotechnical engineer is a 2m high embankment, 7m crest to crest, with 2H:1V batter slopes. The bulk density of the embankment is estimated to be 1.78 t/m³. The soil profile consists of 50 m of soft clay overlying some dense sand. Some soil specimens were collected and tested returning the following values: m = 2.5 MPa ¹, Poisson's ratio of 0.3, Gs=2.65, c, = 14m²/y. The objective of this assignment is to compute the settlement under the centreline of the embankment using different assumptions and models and evaluate the different results. Plane strain conditions can be assumed. 1- Under the centreline, what are the deformation conditions (i.e. 1D, 2D, 3D)? 2- Plot the increase of vertical stress and horizontal stresses under the centreline of the embankment, due to the embankment. Plot stresses from the surface to 50m, in 1 m increment. The plot should look like sin r plots of tutorial solutions. For this question, produce all steps of calculation at a depth of 5m and plot the rest of the stress values. 3- Assuming 1D conditions (i.e. no lateral deformation, no stress dissipation), compute the primary consolidation settlement under the centreline. Discretise the soil into sub-layers if you deem it necessary. Comment your result. 4- Using the SB method, compute the primary consolidation settlement of the embankment under the centreline for: a. No discretization of soil profile: b. Discretization of the soil profile into 2 sub-layers of thickness c. Discretization of the soil profile into 5 sub-layers of thickness d. Discretization of the soil profile into 10 sub-layers of thickness e. Discretization of the soil profile into 20 sub-layers of thickness For each discretised profile, compute the stress at the appropriate depth(s). 5- Compute the primary consolidation settlement of the embankment under the centreline following the method of the lecture notes, i.e. 1D in the confinement triangle + the SB method outside. 6- Conclude on your findings in terms of the effect of discretization on the settlement value, choice of model, effect of assumptions made, magnitude of settlement. 7- Using the result of question 5, compute and plot the evolution of primary consolidation settlement in time from t=1year to t90, in 5 years increment in between (1, 5, 10, 15 etc...). END OF THE ASSIGNMENTSee Answer
  • Q8:5. Consider the wall shown below. Dimensions are in meters. 0.5 sand ' = 37 1K 0.5 A. Determine the active force acting on the wall. Circle your answer. Ans. 35.8 kN/m B. Determine the FS for sliding. Circle your answer. Ans. 2.80 C. Determine the FS for overturning. Circle your answer. Ans. 1.91 D. Determine the FS for overturning if a row of tiebacks is placed 2 meters below the backfill's ground surface. Tieback spacing is 3 meters. The capacity of each tieback is 40 kN. Circle your answer. Ans. 2.47See Answer
  • Q9:Question 1 A sample of sand has the following properties: Moist mass=625.2g, Dry mass=589.9g, Absorption=1.6%. Please find: (a) The total moisture content, M.C., (b) The free moisture content Question 1 options: (a)0.6%, (b) 0.44% (a) 0%, (b) 4.4% (a)6.0, (b)4.4 (a)6.0%, (b)4.4% Question 2 Find the volume of voids in a 3 yd^3 coarse aggregate of bulk density equal to 102 pcf. The specific gravity of the particles is 2.65. Question 2 options: 37ft³ 31ft³ 35ft³ 41ft³See Answer
  • Q10:Question 3 SSD weight in air-7820g, submerge weight =2340g and OD weight =7290 Find % absorption. Question 3 options: 7.8% 7.3% 7% 8.3% Question 4 Question 4 options: Coarse aggregate is placed in a rigid bucket and rodded with a tamping rod to determine its unit weight. The following data are obtained:See Answer
  • Q11:Question 5 (4 points) Using the following data, determine the moisture content, absorption, and free moisture in a sample of fine aggregate. If 75lb of the sample is used in the mix design of concrete, what is the amount of water contributed to the mix by the fine aggregate (FA)? Initial sample weight= 1.2 lb Saturated surface dry weight= 1.14 lb Oven-dry weight = 1.06 lb Question 5 options: free moisture is 5.7% the amount of water contributed to the mix is 5.3 lb absorption is 7.5% Moisture content is 13.2% the amount of water contributed to the mix is 4.281b absorption is 10.3% free moisture is 7.0% Question 6 Aggregates from three sources having bulk specific gravities of 2.753, 2.649 and 2.689 were blended at a ratio of 70:20:10 by weight. Need handwritten solutionSee Answer
  • Q12:Question 7 For a fixed length of asphalt mixture and cement concrete, which one will expand more? Question 8 The sieve analysis of a 500-g sample of fine aggregate resulted in the following Table. Please 1)complete the Table, 2) find the fineness modules,3) find the average sieve of aggregate Sieve No. Weight % % retained retained coarser % finerSee Answer
  • Q13:Refer to the "Residential Building Project Plan Sheet and answer the following questions: NOTE: If any dimensions are missing from the drawing make a reasonable assumption and indicate your assumptions in your calculations. 1. What is the perimeter of the residence, including the garage, outside-to-outside, in units of feet? 2. What is the perimeter of the residence, including the garage, outside-to-outside, in units of meters? 3. What is the square foot area of the garage? 4. What is the square meter area of the garage? 5. What is the square foot area of the residence, excluding the garage? 6. What is the square meter area of the residence, excluding the garage? 7. What is the square foot area of the living/family room? 8. What is the square meter area of the living/family room? 9. What is the square foot area of bedroom 2, excluding the closet? 10. What is the square meter area of bedroom2, excluding the closet?See Answer
  • Q14:A moist soil sample has a total mass of 250g and a moisture content = 10%. What is the mass of solids in the sample? Select one: a. 22.73g O b. 225g Time left 1:20 c. 227.27gSee Answer
  • Q15:Calculate the saturated unit weight of a soil with a void ratio of 0.950, Gs = 2.73 Select one: a. 16.12 kN/m³ O b. 18.51 kN/m³ 13.73 kN/m³ C.See Answer
  • Q16:Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Civil & Arch. Engineering 1. Direct shear box test results for clayey sand specimens tested at three different normal stresses are shown in Table 1. a. Plot the shear stress-shear displacement relationship and determine the peak shear strength at each normal stress. At which value of shear displacement would the peak shear strength be mobilized? b. Draw the failure envelope for the peak shear strength. Use the same scale for the x and y axes. e. Determine the shear strength parameters and write the equation that can be used to estimate the peak shear strength (5,) of the tested soil. Table 1. Test results for soil tested in direct shear apparatus Normal Stress (G)-42 kPa Time, see (t) 0 30 60 90 120 150 Proving ring reading (Div.) 0 15.9 27.4 37.1 45 52 Foundation Engineering I (CVEN 330) Assignment No. 1 (Sep. 21, 2023) 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 Use the following to process the data: 57.4 61.8 65.2 68.8 69.7 68 61.8 15.9 G-78 kPa Proving ring reading (Div.) 0 31.8 51.2 65 • Area of shear box-6×6 cm² -0.0036 m² Shear rate=0.01 mm/sec • Proving ring constant-0.00204 kN/div • 74.1 85.4 93.2 104.8 108.7 109.4 108.5 98.8 31.8 G-130 kPa Proving ring reading (Div.) 0 45.9 70.6 91.75 Shear Displacement, &-Shear rate time Shear Force, T-Proving ring constant Proving ring reading Shear Stress, T-T/cross-section area of shear box 107.65 120 129.5 138.7 146.1 151.2 157.95 162.35 166.2 169.4 171.9 174 175.5 173.5 169.4 Hint: You may use the following equations to process the data of the table, and show detailed calculations in your solution.See Answer
  • Q17:2. Direct shear tests were performed on sandy clay samples. The specimen cross section was 60 mm x 60 mm and the proving ring constant is 11.1 N per division. Test results are given in the following table. Determine graphically the shear strength parameters (ignore the effect of changing sheared areas during test). Would failure occur on a plane within this soil at a point where the normal stress is 300 kN/m² and the corresponding shear stress is 115 kN/m²? Test No. Normal Force Proving Ring Reading at failure (N) (N) 360 23.4 720 34.2 1080 46.8 1440 57.6 1234 4See Answer
  • Q18:1) Unconsolidated undrained (UU) triaxial test was conducted on clay specimen with diameter and height of 37.5 mm and 76 mm respectively. The test results are shown in Table 1. Plot the typical stress-strain relationships and determine the undrained peak shear strength of the tested soil, taking into account the variation of changing sheared areas during test. Additionally, determine the strain value at which the peak shear strength be mobilized? Table 1. Test results for soil tested in triaxial shear apparatus Cell Pressure (03) = 105 kPa Axial Displacement (mm) Proving Ring Reading of Axial Load (Div.) 0 0.25 0.51 0.76 1.02 1.27 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.6 5.6 6.6 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 Use the following to process the data: • Proving Ring Constant = 0.00165 kN/div • Axial Strain, &₁ = Axial Displacment Specimen Height Ao (1-₁) Specimen Area, A = CORY 0 3.5 7.5 11 14 18 21 31 38 44 48 52 53 5.2 50 49 49See Answer
  • Q19:(1-8₁) 2) Consolidated drained (CD) triaxial tests were conducted on three undistributed specimens of the same overconsolidated clay. Results of the tests are shown in the following table. Estimate (graphically) the effective shear strength parameters c' and Ø' of the tested clay (ignore the effect of changing sheared areas during test). Test No. All-around Pressure ((kPa) Deviator Stress (kPa) 1 98.0 2 145.5 3 182.2 23.4 47.7 67.2See Answer
  • Q20:3) The following results are yielded from consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial tests on undisturbed saturated clay specimens. Estimate (graphically) the shear strength parameters c' and Ø' of the tested clay. Test no. A B C Chamber pressure, 03 (kPa) 100 175 250 Deviator stress at failure, Δσ (kPa) 100 200 250 Pore water pressure, at failure, U (kPa) 40 45 85See Answer

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