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  • Q1: 1. (50 pts) Provide a description of the physiographic and geologic setting of your hometown.Your description should include: a) (10 pts) The city, county, and state as well as the Latitude and Longitude of the location that you considered. (15 pts) The physiographic section and district of your location and a brief description of this section/district. c) (15 pts) The geologic formation(s) that are present at your location and the published description of the formation(s). d) (10 pts) Supporting maps showing the physiography and geology of the area with your location marked on them.See Answer
  • Q2: -14Three designs have been proposed to improve traffic flow at a major intersection in a heavily traveled suburban area. The first alternative involves improved traffic signaling. The second alternative includes traffic-signal improvements and intersection widening for exclusive left turns. The third alternative includes extensive reconstruction, including a grade separation structure. The construction costs, as well as annual maintenance and user costs, are listed in the following table for each alternative.Determine which alternative is preferred based on economic criteria if the analysis period is 20 years and the annual interest rate is 15 percent. Show that the result is the same using the present worth, equivalent annual cost, benefit-cost ratio, and rate-of-return methods. See Answer
  • Q3: Perform all the critical path computations as taught in lecture, incl. ES, EF, LS, LF,TL, TE, Project Duration and FF/TF for each activity and answer the questions provided in the answer sheet. See Answer
  • Q4: The concepts applied in economic evaluation to address the time-dependent value of money can also be applied to other phenomena, such as growth in traffic volume. The traffic volume on a local highway was 3510 vehicles per day on an average day in 2012.Based on historical trends, the traffic volume is expected to increase by 3 percent per year for the foreseeable future. What is the expected traffic volume in 2022?See Answer
  • Q5: Two alternatives are under consideration for maintenance of a bridge. Select the most cost-effective alternative using present worth analysis. Assume an interest rate of10 percent per year and a design life of 50 years for each alternative.Alternative A consists of annual maintenance costs of $5,000 per year for the design lifeEXsEpt for: Year 20, in which bridge deck repairs will cost $20,000Year 30, in which a deck overlay and structural repairs will cost $105,000 Alternative B consists of annual maintenance costs of $3,000 per year for the design life except for: Year 20, in which bridge deck repairs will cost $35,000Year 30, in which a deck overlay and structural repairs will cost $85,000See Answer
  • Q6: Q3. Following are the cut and fill areas taken from the field. Calculate the net cut or fill volume using Mass diagram method as discussed in class. See Answer
  • Q7: 1. For the following figure determine the area using the appropriate formulation: where, a = 5, b = 8.9, c = 9.2, d = 5, e = 10, f= 5.5, g = 12, h = 2See Answer
  • Q8: 2- change the angels 134° 42' 08“ to radian 46° 51' 15" to radianSee Answer
  • Q9: Mid-Ordinate Rule \text { Area }=w\left(h_{m 1}+h_{m 2}+h_{m 3}+h_{m 4} \ldots+h_{m n}\right) W = width hm = Height of the mid ordinate Trapeziodal Rule \text { Area }=w\left(\frac{h_{1}+h_{n}}{2}+h_{2}+h_{3} \ldots+h_{n-1}\right) hHeight of the ordinate w = width Simpsons Rule: For an even number of strips: \text { Area }=\frac{w}{3}\left(\text { (1st + last ordinate) }+\left(4 \times \sum \text { even ordinates }\right)+\left(2 \times \sum \text { odd ordinates }\right)\right) w = width Length of an arc = 2nR B/360; \text { Length of an arc }=2 \pi \mathrm{R} \beta / 360 ; \text { Long chords }=2 R \sin (\theta) \text { Tangent lengths = R tan ( } \beta / 2 \text { ); } \text { Tangential angles ( } \theta \text { ) }=(c / R) \times 90 / \pi Where R is the circular curve radius, B is the deviation angle and c is the chord length.See Answer
  • Q10: Land surveying includes gaining measurements of the built and the natural environment that are both precise and accurate. Professional surveying skills are required for all construction projects and form the fundamental process by which designs can become a reality. A key concern of surveyors is to work efficiently and effectively to save costs, improve sustainability and identify issues and solutions to maximise the accuracy and quality of their work. The objectives of this coursework have been designed to demonstrate and enhance your ability to: Evaluate the role of surveying in large projects with a particular focus on earthworks; Demonstrate a clear understanding of errors in key surveying tasks: • Use surveying knowledge and understanding to reduce the impact of errors in their work.See Answer
  • Q11: 6- Calculate the coordinates: Angle ( B ) = 32° 30' 40“ The Azimuth of line ( AB ) = 120° 30' 25“ Coordinate A = ( 220 N , 150 W) Coordinate A = ( 220 N, 150 W) Length ( CD ) = 150 m Length ( BC ) = 200 m Length ( AB ) = 106 mSee Answer
  • Q12: 2. Define Georeferencing and the three methods of georeferencing.See Answer
  • Q13: 13-15A road is being proposed to facilitate a housing development on a scenic lake. Two alter-natives have been suggested. One of the roadway alignments is to go around the lake and slightly impact a wetland. The second alternative will also go around the lake and will significantly impact two wetlands. The following table shows the anticipated costs for each alternative. Assuming that the annual interest rate is 7 percent, determine which alternative is preferred using equivalent annual cost analysis. See Answer
  • Q14: Three transportation projects have been proposed to increase the safety in and around a residential neighborhood. Each project consists of upgrading existing street signing to highly retro reflective sheeting to increase visibility. The following table shows the initial construction costs, annual operating costs, useful life of the sheeting, and salvage values for each alternative. Assume that the discount rate is 10 percent. Calculate the present worth for each alternative and determine the preferred project based on the economic criteria.13-12 See Answer
  • Q15: 3.Reduce the profile notes below and adjust. Plot station elevations on the graph below: See Answer
  • Q16: 4. An instrument is set over point “A" with a 5.45 ft. H.I. A vertical angle of -9°35'17" and a slope distance of 253.86 ft. were taken to a rod 5.17 ft. above point "B". The elevation of point “B" is 272.10 ft.What is the elevation of point “A"? (Draw a sketch to support your answer).See Answer
  • Q17: 5. A total station is set up over point "BM 1"and a zenith angle of 84°45'38" to the top of a tower. The horizontal distance from “BM 1"to the tower is 347.68 feet. The H.I. of the total station is 5.16 feet and the elevation of "BM 1" is 115.98 feet. What is the elevation at the top of the tower? (Draw a sketch below to support your answer)See Answer
  • Q18: 3.19 Repeat Problem 3.18 if for an instrument set up 850.0 ft from a tower with its telescope center 5.500 ft above the ground. The telescope is sighted horizontally to a point5.500ft from the bottom of the steeple and then the angle to the top of the steeple is measured. It's 28°20. How tall is the tower?(Ans.:287.16ft)See Answer
  • Q19: 13-13Two designs have been proposed for a short-span bridge in a rural area, as shown in the following table. The first proposal is to construct the bridge in two phases (Phase I now and Phase II in 25 years). The second alternative is to construct it in one phase. Assuming that the annual interest rate is 4 percent, use present worth analysis to determine which alternative is preferred. See Answer
  • Q20: The following table shows two sets of coordinates in terms of Easting, Northing and level.SET 1 Given data(Green) to be set out (positioned on ground). These coordinates are measured using GNSS (Global Satellite Navigation System). SET 2 The set out data(Blue) positioned on the ground. The setting is carried out using a total station.Required: 1. Calculate the coordinate differences in Easting, Northing and Levels (Yellow Columns) 2. Draw the two sets of coordinates(E,N) to a suitable scale(i.e 1:50, 1:75,..).Add level value and point description for each point. You may use Auto CAD/other software or manually on graph paper. 3. Calculate distance and bearing between instrument station(500,1000) and Manhole(504.096,1016.686), Gully2(506.342.1022.870) and CP3(510.692.1026.029) 4. Comment on the accuracy of positioning these points: Expected differences in Easting and Northings are within 15mm and 20mm for levels See Answer

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