Electronics And Communication Engineering Homework Help

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Recently Asked Electronics and Communication Engineering Questions

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  • Q1: For 27th when it is 10:30 AM LT (Clock time),answer the following questions. 1. What is the geographical position (coordinates) of KC? (Points 3) 2. What is the difference of the Local Time (LT) from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in hours for KC? 3. Calculate LSTM for KC. 4. Calculate Equation of Time (EoT). 5. Calculate time correction factor. 6. Calculate local solar time. 7. Calculate hour angle for this time.See Answer
  • Q2: Q 1: The parameters of the circuit in Figure 1are R, =RL = 10k2, C2 =15mA/V. Use s-domain analysis to find5002, C1 = 20µF, R;10pF, and1kQ,Em =the low 3-dB frequency fL, the high 3-dBfrequency fH , and the midband gainAp(mid)APB. (25 Points) See Answer
  • Q3: Q 2: Design a common-source NMOSamplifier as shown in Figure 2 to give apassband gain of 20 < |A PB| < 30,Zin(mid) 2 100kQ, a low 3-dB frequency offL < 10k H z, and a high 3-dB frequency offH = 200k H z. (25 Points)See Answer
  • Q4: Figure 1 is a dimensioned plot of the steady state carrier concentrations inside a pn stepjunction diode maintained at room temperature. Is the diode in forward or reverse bias? Explain your answer. Does low level injection prevail? Explain your answer. What are the p- and n-side doping concentrations? Determine the applied voltage, VA. Determine the built-in potential, Vbi- If we know this diode is made of silicon, determine the width of the depletionregion, W.nor p See Answer
  • Q5: Amplitude modulation (broadcast AM) is used to modulate signal to transmit message m1(t), with a modulation indexu=0.75, based upon a carrier with frequency 100 kHz. a. What amplitude of the carrier is added to get this µ? b. Write an expression for 02(t)=DAM(t) – you can leave it in terms of m1(t) c. Find the bandwidth, BT2 , of this modulated signal - 32000 Hz d. Estimate the power efficiency of this signal - the ratio of the sideband power to the total power of the modulatedsignal. (Hint: Intelligent guesstimations will work on this or you can do more work) e. Can an envelope detector be used to demodulate? If no, what needs to change? If yes, name a good RC value thatwould work.See Answer
  • Q6: This message signal will be referred to as m1(t) in most of the remaining problemson this test: m_{1}(t)=\cos ^{2}\left(2 \pi 8000 t+\frac{\pi}{8}\right) Find B1, the bandwidth of m1(t). Find P1, the power of the m1(t). . Find m(t), the derivative of m1(t). - Find mp1, the peak value of m1(t). e. Find m,, the peak value of the derivative of m1(t).'p'See Answer
  • Q7: Consider the simplified linear de machine we discussed in class. The machine has the following characteristics: B = 0.5 T into page R = 0.2 N l = 0.6 m VR = 110 V Calculate the starting current of the machine, and the machine's velocity at no load. While the external force on the bar remains the same as part (b), suppose the bar runs off into a region in which the flux density is 1.3 T. Calculate the new current and determine its direction. What would be the new induced voltage in the bar?What would be the final steady state speed of the bar? ) Now assume the battery voltage is increased to Vg=130 V while everything else remaining as in part (c). What is the new current, induced voltage, and final steady-state speed of the bar? ) Suppose that an external force of Fapp = 25 N is applied to the bar in the same direction of the bar's motion. Is the machine working as a motor or a generator?Find the new current and determine its direction. What would be the new induced voltage in the bar? What would be the final steady state speed of the bar? How much mechanical power would the bar be producing or consuming? How much electrical power would the bar be producing or consuming? How much electrical power would the battery be producing or consuming?See Answer
  • Q8: Design a system that will detect the sequence 110 anytime it occurs in an input wire x.See Answer
  • Q9: Design a BCD counter. The circuit counts from 0 to 9, then resets back to 0 to restart the counting sequence. The circuit has one input run/stop. If the input is 1, the counter will count. If the input is0, the counter will freeze in its current location until the input is set to 1 again. III IUSI agal• The circuit has one output. It becomes 1 when the counter completes a cycle and starts the next one. Otherwise, that output is 0.See Answer
  • Q10: Design a counter with the following sequence: 0, 1, 2 ,4, 6. Use JK Flip-Flop.See Answer
  • Q11: Compare and contrast your results for a P and a Pl controller. Discuss the trade-offs between controller complexity and performance. Discuss the effect of the integrator on steady state error.See Answer
  • Q12: 4. ADS Simulate using Smith Chart showing S11 and S22 parameters between 750 MHz and 1.25 GHz. Place a marker at 1 GHz. Use the S2P component part and use theMRF911D.S2P file copied to the Desktop. The MRF911D.S2P file is found in the Amplifier section of you Blackboard page. Follow the example in the Amplifier section to give the S parameters in table format, find using the ADS EQUATION the stability factor K, and G max as shown in the example provided in the Amplifier section of your Blackboard page.See Answer
  • Q13: Design a sequential circuit with two D flip-flops A and B, and one input x_in. When x_in = 1, the circuit goes through the state transitions from 00 to 01, to 11, to 10,back to 00, and repeats. When x_in = 0, the circuit goes through the same sequence above, but backwards. The value of x_in can change at any point in time. Therefore, the circuit may reversedirection at any point and follow the sequence in the other direction from that point.See Answer
  • Q14: Q 1: The parameters of the circuit in Figure 1are Rs = 5002, C1RL20µF, R¡ = 1k2,10pF, and10k2, C2 =gm = 15mA/V. Use s-domain analysis to findthe low 3-dB frequency fL, the high 3-dBfrequency fH , and the midband gainAv(mid)APB. (25 Points)See Answer
  • Q15: Q 2: Design a common-source NMO Samplifier as shown in Figure 2 to give a pass band gain of 20 < |A PB| < 30,Z n(mid) 2 100kohms , a low 3-dB frequency of fL < 10kH z, and a high 3-dB frequency of 200k H z. (25 Points)f Ipss = 12.5mA, ID = 1mA, and Vp = -3.5V ro » Rd ||RL , RL » Rd and RG very large . Rd = 10 k ohms gm = 4.98 * 10-3 R2=500kohms , RL=100kohms , R,5 =5 kohms R2=500kohms , RL 100kohms , R5=5kohms fL = 9.9kHz, fc2 = fL/10 C1 =8n F Rc1 = Rf1 = 110kohms See Answer
  • Q16: 4. Write C statements that set B to the reverse complement of A, such at B7 = ~A0, B6 = ~A1,etc.See Answer
  • Q17:Supposed you are tasked to build a simple carbon monoxide sensor that functions in the following way: 1. Measure the CO2 sensor, which gives an analog output of 0 to 1.0V 2. A value of more than 0.5V represents a dangerous level of CO2 (0.0V means no CO2) 3. In the case of a dangerous condition, an alert must be given in the form of illuminating an external LED connected to any GPIO pin. 4. The sampling rate of the sensor must be 1kHz. 5. Use must use an ATTINY84 Microcontroller, which is also an 8-bit AVR processor similar (but different) to our 32u4 (datasheet attached). 1. Take a few minutes to review the datasheet to familiarize yourself with the available GPIO pins, available timers, and ADC setup. Review the address mappings in section 22 as well. For this part of the exam, you can not use known registers like PORTB etc. You must use unsigned char pointers to the correct addresses. 2. Write a function called void SetupTimer() that sets up any timer to function as a 1kHz timer (no PWM generation, no pins connected). The timer should reset every 1ms. Be sure to set up the appropriate registers in section 11.9 of the datasheet. 3. Write a function called void SetupLED() which sets up the selected GPIO pin (you can select any appropriate pin) for the LED alert. 4. Write a function called void SetupADC() which sets up the ADC to the appropriate MUX channel (you can choose any one you want). Set up the ADC to use a prescaler of 16, and use your timer overflow as an Auto Trigger Source for the ADC. See section 16.13.4 (Table 16.7) 5. Write the setup function that calls your functions described above. 6. Write the loop function that reads the ADC and performs the logic to illuminate the LED appropriately. Don't make the LED flicker if the ADC hovers around 0.5V! 7. Sketch the schematic that shows which pins you used and the interconnect diagram of the LED, ATTINY, and the CO2 sensor. 8. Now, using Platform IO, start a new project and use the board "Generic ATTINY84". Import the code you developed in 1. through 7., but now you can use the defined registers like PORTA etc. Submit the .cpp file with your code.See Answer
  • Q18:• Phase 2: Add original/noisy data and display to the minimal system. When the user of the PC application initiates an action, a string of 128 characters is sent to the microprocessor. The microprocessor passes the data and an 8-bit unsigned THRESHOLD (related to a noise level) to t FPGA. The microprocessor receives the noisy data sent back from the FPGA only after a push bu on the FPGA board is pushed, and sends the noisy data to the PC for display.See Answer

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Seek The Best Online Electronics and Communication Engineering Homework Help!

Electronic engineering is a branch of engineering that involves the design of electronic circuits, devices, microprocessors, microcontrollers, and other systems using non-linear and active electrical components. The structure and composition of electronic devices make for challenging homework. Most students run across numerous issues when composing their electronics engineering homework. As a result, TutorBin provides the best possible electronics and communication engineering homework help.

For many years, we have helped students worldwide with their electronics homework. Whether a university or college student, our experts can offer excellent online electronics engineering homework help. Therefore, you should opt for our communication engineering homework help to boost your scores. We recommend you read this comprehensive guide carefully to know how we help students achieve excellent grades.

Electronics and Communication Engineering Homework Help - TutorBin

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Topics We Cover In Our Electronics And Communication Engineering Homework Help!

It is time to examine the subjects that our experts in electronics and communication cover. Our electronics and communication engineering homework helpers are here to help with any homework. In addition, you can ask any queries you may have of our customer service representative.

Instrumentation Engineering: The creation of instruments or devices required for measuring physical properties like pressure and temperature falls under the purview of electronics and communication engineering. Our electronics and communication engineering homework help can provide well-organized content on this subject.

Network analysis: It calculates network components' voltages and currents. Given the subject's significance, many students might find it challenging to provide homework assistance while still meeting university requirements. Using our online electronics engineering homework help, you can write your homework on this topic.

Computer-Aided Engineering Drawing (CADD): All engineering fields, including ECE, require a topic on CADD. Computers develop and distribute engineering drawings of the planned product among the team members.

VLSI: The method of assembling many MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) onto a single chip to create an IC is known as very large-scale integration (VLSI) (Integrated Circuit). A thorough understanding of this subject can help all ECE students skyrocket their grades. Get in touch with our professionals today to receive the best communication engineering homework help.

Antennas and Propagation: Researchers in ECE entirely use modern technologies when designing antennas and examining space phenomena. Designing and building antennas is a complex task requiring new thoughts and skills. You can opt for our online electronics and communication engineering homework help to get a communication engineering homework solution.

How Our Tutors Solve Your Electronics Homework Questions?

Are you having trouble doing your electronics engineering homework? Ask us to provide you with online electronics engineering homework help. You can hire one of our specialists to write your entire ECE homework. Our electronics and communication engineering tutors follow this process to complete your project.

  • They first go over each requirement from the client.
  • They then carry out in-depth investigations and collect information from dependable sources.
  • They compile, arrange, and validate the data.
  • Then they construct a framework and put together a rough version.
  • They check it several times and correct any mistakes.
  • Our writers then craft the final homework, followed by the reference list.
  • Finally, they send the content to our editors, who are crucial to providing electronics and communication engineering homework help.
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    How Do Our Tutors Provide You With Communication Engineering Homework Help?

  • Engineering in electronics is a vast field. Most students have trouble producing perfect homework due to a lack of essential knowledge. Do you also have to deal with this problem? The only way out is to use our communication engineering homework help. Our experts can help you understand this subject's subfields, including telecommunication, instrumentation, power, and control.
  • Our knowledgeable specialists can assist you in comprehending all the essential elements so that you may produce outstanding homework. It covers various topics, including optical communication, coding theory, digital image processing, and analog circuits.
  • Our experts can instruct you on circuit theory by showing you how current sources, voltage sources, and resistors relate to one another. They can provide you with sample drawings of the transformer to better comprehend its construction. They can even teach you how to develop digital and power electronics designs. Therefore, our communication engineering homework solution is crucial right now.
  • Benefits Of Our Online Electronics And Communication Engineering Homework Help!

    Let's examine why to get your communication engineering homework solution from TutorBin. TutorBin has a team with years of experience producing excellent electronics and communication homework.

  • Our tutors who teach communication and technology follow the directions when they help you with your homework.
  • Poor performance results from plagiarism. Because of this, our electronics and communication teacher produces original material to aid your academic success.
  • Our customer support staff is accessible at all times to respond to your questions and take care of your communication and electronics-related needs.
  • Specialists in electronics and communication possess both theoretical understanding and practical abilities.
  • A solid grasp of logic is necessary because electronics and communication are logical subjects. We provide more individualized and problem-solving services to aid in your conceptual understanding.
  • Our electronics and communication professional responds promptly and accurately when you need assistance.
  • Learning about electronics and communication is intriguing. We have some knowledgeable people that can clearly and sufficiently explain any electronics and communication topic so that you may study effectively with us.
  • How Do You Seek Communication Engineering Homework Help From TutorBin?

    You can effortlessly get homework help in electronics communication engineering from TutorBin. You must follow our straightforward approach to fulfill your "Who can do my electronics and communication homework solutions" request.

  • To seek help with electronics and communication homework at TutorBin, you must register at our sign-up page.
  • You must supply information about your electronics and communication homework requirements. Please type your question or upload its picture along with question files, reference material, and guidelines to follow.
  • Pick a deadline for your electronics and communication homework and submit it to us.
  • Depending on the complexity and deadline, you will get a price quotation from us shortly after order placement. Once you make the payment, it's time to choose the best electronics tutor for your homework.
  • Our electronics and communication specialist will start working on the project after obtaining the information, adhering to the university guidelines and any customizations you have provided.
  • When we finish it, we send it to editors, publishers, and proofreaders for review and tweaking.
  • Following that, you can download electronics and communication homework answers from your profile.
  • Instant And Flawless Communication Engineering Homework Solution From TutorBin!

    TutorBin's online electronics and communication homework help are available to students worldwide 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with a short turnaround time. TutorBin only hires skilled and experienced electronics and communication tutors. Our electronics and communication homework help professionals craft their homework after conducting an in-depth analysis of the subject. At the same time, we appropriately reference each work that includes in-text citations. TutorBin's electronics and communication homework help online is 100 percent guaranteed to be of high quality and provide plagiarism-free work for the benefit of students. As a result, we are the most dependable homework help electronics and communication service.

    You can also seek electronics and communication homework help for advanced learning. We provide one-to-one assistance for a better understanding of students. TutorBin's electronics and communication tutors are experts who take a student-friendly approach to impart knowledge at reasonable rates. Why then are you holding out? Be quick! The moment is here to enlist our assistance and improve your grades. Cheers!

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    What is the electronics and communication engineering homework help?

    Our electronics and communication engineering homework help serve you in the following ways:

  • Our tutors solve your homework for you if you lack the time.
  • They enhance the quality of your content through editing and proofreading.
  • TutorBin subject matter specialists come to your rescue when you don't know how to undertake comprehensive research.
  • Specialists in electronics and communication possess both theoretical understanding and practical abilities.
  • What are the benefits offered by our communication engineering homework help?

    Our communication engineering homework help offers you the following perks:

  • Zero computational and technical errors.
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  • How do your electronics and communication engineering tutors solve homework?

    To ensure that your homework is accurate and original, our electronics and communication engineering tutors follow these strategies:

  • They go over the prerequisites to satisfy every element of the project.
  • Our tutors do extensive research to ensure the answer is accurate and informative.
  • They perform several manual checks to assure accuracy.
  • Do you provide anonymous online electronics and communication engineering homework help?

    Our online service for helping students with their electronics and communication engineering homework is 100% private. Since protecting our customers' privacy is of the utmost importance, we never divulge any information about our clients to outside parties.

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    It's time to speak with one of our trustworthy tutors if you need prompt and practical assistance with your electronics communication engineering homework. Our professionals always give you correct and timely solutions, ensuring you never miss submission deadlines.

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    We work with highly qualified and eminent professionals. We do not offer a free communication engineering homework solution since we compensate employees for their time and work. But students can afford our pocket-friendly price.

    How do I get the best online electronics engineering homework help?

    If you want to get the best online electronics engineering homework help, you can follow these simple steps:

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