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  • Q1: 1. Circuit 1: Find the output voltage Vo, output current lo,and closed loop gain G = 4 for the op-amp circuit below, assuming the op-amp is ideal. Show all your work, use only KCL and the ideal assumptions to find the output voltage. Let Vs = 1V, R1 = 80K, R2 =20K and RL = 1K. Power supply voltages are +Vcc = 15V and -Vcc = -15V. Hint: To find l,first find Vo, and then perform KCL at V, to find the current in each branch at that node. See Answer
  • Q2: For the above circuit, given that R=4 Ohms and the current source Is=19 Amps, determine the current I1 in Amps.Be sure to round your answer to the nearest single digit decimal place. For example, if your answer is 10.5333 Amps, then enter 10.5See Answer
  • Q3: Q1) Doping is introduction of impurities into the intrinsic semiconductor for the purpose of modulating electrical, optical and structural properties. Doping is important because it greatly conductivity of semiconductor and also the hole electron concentration. Three materials which can use p type doping is Boron,Aluminium, Indium. The common characteristic of these elements is that they have one electron deficiency in valence shell.See Answer
  • Q4: Figure 1 shows a circuit consisting of two resistors, a capacitor and a voltage source. The switch is left open for t < Os. At t = Os, the switch is closed. The following questions apply to currents and voltages in this circuit, when the switch goes from being open to being closed. Note that the capacitor looks like an open in the steady state, and the voltage across the capacitor cannot change instantaneously. (a) When the switch is open for t < Os, find the currents in the resistors, R1 and R2. (6) (b) When the switch is open for t < Os, what is the voltage across the capacitor. (6) (c) When the switch is open for t < Os, find the charge and energy stored in the capacitor. (6) (d) Immediately after the switch is closed at t = Os, find the voltage across the capacitor. (4) (e) Immediately after the switch is closed at t =Os, find the current in resistor R2. (6) (f) Immediately after the switch is closed at t = Os, find the voltage and current in resistor R1. (g) Immediately after the switch is closed at t = Os, find the current in the capacitor. (7) (h) Long after the switch is closed, what are the currents in the resistors, R1 and R2. (6) (i) Long after the switch is closed, what is the energy stored in the capacitor. (5) (j) After the switch is closed, find the Norton equivalent current (Is) and resistance (R) acrossthe terminals of the capacitor as shown in figure 2. Use source transformation to find theNorton circuit. (8) (k) se the Norton model in figure 2 with the step response of a RC circuit to write the voltage across the capacitor in the form v_{c}(t)=I_{s} R+\left(V_{0}-I_{s} R\right) e^{-t / \tau} Find Is, R, Vo and t. (10) (1) Using the relationship between capacitor voltage and current, find an expression for the current through the capacitor in terms of Is, R, Voand z. (8) (m)Find the peak current through the capacitor. At what time does the peak current occur.Note you don't have to find the derivative in this case. (7) (n) Find the time when the current is down to 50% of the peak value in part (m) (8) (0) If the value of resistor, R2, is changed such that the voltage across the capacitor when t→00 is one half the voltage across the capacitor for t<0, find the new value of R2. (7)See Answer
  • Q5: :A 100 2 transmission line has an effective dielectric constant of 1.65. Find the shortest open-circuited length of this line that appears at its input as a capacitor of 5 pF at 2.5 GHz.Repeat for an inductance of 5 nH.See Answer
  • Q6: Through which resistor will the most current flow when a voltage is applied to the circuit? See Answer
  • Q7: The VSWR on a lossless 300 transmission line terminated to a load with unknown impedance is 2.0, and the nearest voltage minimum is at a distance 0.31 from the load Determine (a)IL, (b) Zi.See Answer
  • Q8: 18 What will be the voltage measured going into R3 if 24V is applied? See Answer
  • Q9: Through which resistor will the most current flow when a voltage is applied to the circuit? See Answer
  • Q10: Through which resistor will the most current flow when a voltage is applied to the circuit? See Answer
  • Q11: e How much current will pass through the circuit shown below if the voltage supply is 240Vand the motor is rated for 2kW? See Answer
  • Q12: Given, forward drop voltage =1.2V And diode resistance =250hm For only diode drop \text { Current }=\frac{\text { Supply voltage - Diode drop }}{\text { load resistance }}=\frac{6-1.2}{120}=0.04 \mathrm{~A} For diode drop and resistance included \text { Current }=\frac{\text { Supply voltage-Diodedrop }}{\text { load resistance }+\text { diode resistance }}=\frac{6-1.2}{120+25}=0.0331 \mathrm{~A}See Answer
  • Q13: \text { a. The Base Voltage }=\frac{R b 2}{R b 1+R b 2} * V c c=\frac{8}{48+8} * 12=1.714 \text { Volt } As Vbe =0.7 Volt Emitter voltage = Base voltage -0.7 =1.014Volt Emitter current = emittervoltage/ emitter resistance=1.014-300=3.38 ma Collector Current =3.38mA Collector Voltage=VCC -lc Rc12 -3.38*1.6 =6.592V VCE=Collector Voltage -Emitter Voltage :6.592 -1.014 =5.578 Volt b. DC load line c. AC load Iline d. The main difference between ac load line and dc load line is that the difference in ac load and dc load are different due to the type of voltage applied and the ac load line exists around the Q point.See Answer
  • Q14:Given for JFET |dss = 12 mA Vt = -3V VDS = 4V ID = 3mA VS = ID Rs which implies VS = 3*1 = 3voltSee Answer
  • Q15: a. Determine the equivalent (Thevenin) circuit at the fault point (FX) b. Determine the operation time of the four overcurrent elements at the 115 kV side of the transformer, for a phase a-to-ground fault at the point indicated on the13.8kV line, very close to the bus. These relays are connected to CT's with CTR=200/5. The phase relays have I pick-up=5 A, TD=2; and the ground element has Ipick-up=1 A and TD=3. All the relays have U.S. very inverse curve.(Assume transformer is Dyn1) See Answer
  • Q16: In the circuit below, V = 10 Volts. Answer the following questions: ] Find the value of l1. s] Find the value of l2. ] Find the value of l3. Find the power of the upper resistance 5 Ohms. See Answer
  • Q17: For the circuit shown below, answer the following questions: | Find the equivalent resistance Rwz seen from the voltage source. |Using Ohms law Find the current Is. | Find the power delivered by the voltage source.See Answer
  • Q18: An asynchronous finite state machine (FSM), with six states1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, is described by the primitive flow table in Figure4.a) i. Minimize the number of states in the FSM and explain the methods you use. ii. Derive the Boolean equations for the combinatorial logic needed to implement the FSM. b) A serial multiplier circuit is constructed from a 4-bit binary adder and registers to produce an 8-bit unsigned product from two4-bit input words. Assuming that there is no special register for a carry bit, show the contents of the registers step by step when the multiplier is used to multiply 11 by 13. If a system is designed for multiplying large matrices, such as in graphics processing, is it better to use serial or parallel multipliers in the system2 Why?See Answer
  • Q19: (A)* Design a DC power supply that supplies a DC voltage of 20 V to a load resistance of 500 Q. Consider an AC input of 120 V/60 Hz. Choose suitable values for the capacitor and the transformer turns ratio. The ripple voltage should be less than 10% of the output voltage. Consider Rs = 100 ohmsSee Answer
  • Q20: 6 (H) Application: three-phase power measure mentIn a balanced, three-phase system as shown in Figure P9.26,the load power can be measured by using two watt meters.The power measured by W1 is P1, P1 = Re(Vabla*) and the power measured by W2 is P2, P2 = Re(Vel*). Show that the total real power PT = P1 + P2. See Answer

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