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Consider the simplified linear de machine we discussed in class. The machine has the following characteristics: B = 0.5 T into page R = 0.2 N l = 0.6 m

VR = 110 V Calculate the starting current of the machine, and the machine's velocity at no load. While the external force on the bar remains the same as part (b), suppose the bar runs off into a region in which the flux density is 1.3 T. Calculate the new current and determine its direction. What would be the new induced voltage in the bar?What would be the final steady state speed of the bar? ) Now assume the battery voltage is increased to Vg=130 V while everything else remaining as in part (c). What is the new current, induced voltage, and final steady-state speed of the bar? ) Suppose that an external force of Fapp = 25 N is applied to the bar in the same direction of the bar's motion. Is the machine working as a motor or a generator?Find the new current and determine its direction. What would be the new induced voltage in the bar? What would be the final steady state speed of the bar? How much mechanical power would the bar be producing or consuming? How much electrical power would the bar be producing or consuming? How much electrical power would the battery be producing or consuming?

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Fig: 9