
immunology homework help

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Recently Asked immunology Questions

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  • Q1:Which of the following is NOT TRUE in regards to immune memory? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a The second time the immune system is exposed to an antigen, the response is weaker b Allows the immune system to "remember" antigens that have previously activated it U Important feature of how vaccines protect us from infectious diseases Allows the immune system to respond stronger on subsequent exposures to an infectious agentSee Answer
  • Q2:How is measles spread? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a b с d Direct contact Airborne route Consumption of contaminated food/water None of the above SitSee Answer
  • Q3:Which of the following communicable diseases requires the greatest percentage of individuals to be vaccinated in order to attain herd immunity? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a Influenza b Mumps с Rubella Measles Unanswered SubmitSee Answer
  • Q4:Every state must have which type of vaccine exemption? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a b C d Medical Religious Philosophical/personal belief There is no vaccine exemption that every state has Unanswered OMSee Answer
  • Q5:Before the licensure and use of the childhood Hib vaccine, Hib was the main cause of what condition in American children? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a Bacterial Meningitis b с Postnatal Mental Retardation d e Death A, B, and C A and C Unanswered SubrSee Answer
  • Q6:The anti-vaccination movement is a fairly new phenomenon; it began in the 21st century and is centered around the measles vaccine. Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a True b False SmSee Answer
  • Q7:Modern drops in immunization rates have led to an increase in several vaccine preventable diseases, such as measles and whooping cough. Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. True b False UnansweredSee Answer
  • Q8:The immunity provided by a natural infection with COVID-19 is preferred to the immunity provided by a COVID-19 vaccine. Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a True b False Unanswered WA RA SubSee Answer
  • Q9:Imagine you have a family member who is expecting a baby in 3 months. This family member is undecided about whether she will get her baby vaccinated. She has heard conflicting messages, especially in her social media feeds. What information might you share with this family member about vaccines in an effort to dispel myths and provide her with factual information that she can use to make an informed decision. Your answer should be about 300 words in length.See Answer
  • Q10:Following an infection with an extracellular bacteria (for this example, the made up bacterium Streptocillia outsidica), we would predict that most optimal immune response would involve activation of humoral immunity. For this example, let's assume that when wild type (WT) mice that have no known genetic mutations and a completely functional immune system are infected with S. outsidica, the infection establishes in the lungs and bacteria are able to overwhelm the standard innate immune response of rapid phagocytosis. Not to worry though-the adaptive immune response is initiated, producing antibodies specific to S. outsidica antigens that migrate to the site of infection. After 8-10 days, the infection is cleared and infected WT mice recover. In an experiment, you infect groups of the following genetically modified mice: 1. Mice that are deficient in (ie do not express) C3. 2. Mice that do not produce CD8 T cells. 3. Mice that are deficient in the Fc gamma receptor (FcR) (ie the protein on phagocytes that recognizes the constant region of IgG antibodies). Based on what you know about coordinated immune responses to infection, predict the outcomes of each mutant mouse line with the infection outcome. C3-deficient mice Fcgamma receptor-deficient mice CD8 T cell-deficient mice Previous Mice die by day 5 of the infection Mice survive, but take longer to clear the infection Mice clear the infection faster than WT Mice clear the infection just like WT Mice develop an overwhelming immune response that causes collateral damage to the lung that kills the mice 17 1 point Strep throat is commonly caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria. A common symptom of strep throat is the presence of swollen lymph nodes in the neck. This symptom usually peaks 2-4 days after the onset of the infection, and is due to: Damage to epithelial tissue in the throat Release of bacterial PAMPs leading to inflammatory cytokine production Activation of antigen-specific lymphocytes in the lymph nodes of the neck Recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes to the lymph nodes of the neck Recruitment of additional lymph nodes to the neckSee Answer
  • Q11:Please follow the instructions below: 1. Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on one of the topics listed below: o Inflammatory Response (ch 6) o Antibodies/Antigens (ch 7) o Type II Hypersensitivity (ch 8) Type IV Hypersensitivity (ch 8) o Note: As you read through the article, think about how it connects to Pathophysiology and why is it relevant. 2. Provide a write-up summarizing the article. Within your document, include how the information connects to Pathophysiology, and why it is relevant. 3. Aim to include 150 - 200 words in the summary. 4. Remember to cite your source(s) in APA Format!See Answer
  • Q12:Jayne was an eighteen year old freshman in college. On her second day at the college, she and her new roommate went to a "meet and greet" get together in their dorm. There were a lot of snacks and drinks there. After eating a cookie Jayne started developing nausea, itchy skin with large welts, a tingling sensation and tightness in her throat, dizziness and difficulty breathing, and a feeling of doom. She tried to speak to her roommate but her voice was very hoarse. She became unconscious and was rushed to the ER. When the medical personnel examined her she was hypotensive, with tachycardia; her skin was clammy. When the nurse looked in her purse she saw and Epipen injector. On questioning the RA from the residence hall, the ER staff found out that the cookies had peanuts in them. On administering epinephrine, Jayne quickly regained consciousness, her blood pressure rebounded to normal, and the heart rate slowed down. She was discharged the next day. Prompts: 1) What is your diagnosis about Jayne's condition? 2) What is an "antigen-presenting cell" and what role does this type of cell play in an immune response? 3) Explain the interaction that occurs between a T-helper lymphocyte and a B cell when the B cell is being induced to produce peanut-specific IgE. In your explanation, explain the role that the peanut allergen plays in this interaction. 4) In immediate hypersensitivity, the initial exposure to an allergen usually does not produce any symptoms. The symptoms, such as those involved in anaphylaxis, usually appear in the second exposure. What events are occurring during this initial exposure that sensitizes a person to an allergen? In your description include the role of B cells, T cells, IgE, mast cells, basophils and the allergen. 5) Describe how IgE binds and reacts with basophils and mast cells.See Answer
  • Q13:Assignment Instruction Creating a mind map for Immunology based on all the relevant keywords and chapter 14 from the textbook you must draw them out in Word or Coggle, make sure it is not hand - written Check the assignment details Need to describe the assignment that some potions you have to describe a little bit. On top of the arrow need to describe just some positions in the mind map for clarification no need to describe everythingSee Answer

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