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Recently Asked public science health Questions

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  • Q1:My research topic: How student learning changed due to covid-19 pandemic.See Answer
  • Q2:Task: Critique of a Health Strategy Length: 1000 Words Purpose: As future member of the health workforce it is important that students develop skills in evaluating new and existing health strategy. This assignment will help the student critically reflect and evaluate a health strategy and develop knowledge and understanding of its purpose and impact. Writing a critique of a health strategy helps us to develop: . A knowledge of the health area. An understanding of the strategy's purpose, intended audience, development and structure A recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the strategySee Answer
  • Q3:WEEKLY SUMMARIES ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS & RUBRIC Purpose: • To provide opportunities for students to explore occupational therapy practice through readings and video observations. • To provide an opportunity for students to practice analyzing and synthesizing information for a resulting conclusion. • Students will be assigned two reading from the articles, and the student will choose a video of their choice for the topic being discussed in the next class period. All resources MUST be cited in APA 7th edition format. Students will use the template provided to highlight and summarize the main points from what they read and watched, with the paper being no longer than 2 pages (narrow margins, size 12 Times New Roman font). You may use bullet points when summarizing the readings. • SYNTHESIS: MUST USE a narrative format in your synthesis. Must be 2 paragraphs in length and include common themes seen in all of the resources and what you have added to your knowledge of OT. Component Unacceptable Grading Rubric Acceptable - Needs some Work Acceptable Total Accuracy (3 pts) (0-3 pts) Depth (3 pts) (0-3 pts) Clarity (3 pts) (0-3 pts) Overall Instructor Impression (1) (0-1 pts) More than 2 inaccuracies; conclusions are not founded on shared facts; lack of citations Information from 1-3 sources; information is surface only with little thought demonstrated or communicated in the writing. Themes/ patterns not all identified. Too many errors in grammar, sentence structure and or spelling to be understandable; organization is not clear and line of thinking is illogical, difficult to follow/ understand One-two inaccuracies; citations not 100% correct; conclusions are inaccurate or based on inaccurate facts Information from 1-3 sources; themes or patterns included - but may be inaccurate or shallow; thought is demonstrated but could be more strongly demonstrated. Synthesis needs more information, themes/patterns not all identified. Some errors in grammar, sentence structure and/or spelling; thoughts can be somewhat followed by the reader; sequence of thoughts is not always logical All facts are accurate; all citations are accurate; conclusions are well justified on facts Information from all three sources has been included; themes or patterns in readings have been accurately identified in synthesis. Spelling and grammar accurate; work is organized; a line of logic is present; reader easily understands what is being communicated Total:See Answer
  • Q4:Public Health in Action Paper This project is separated into three different parts, 1 page each. Each part will be turned in at separate times throughout the semester. The final paper, Parts I, II, and III .Here is a description of each part of the project: Part I (1 page): From among the Health People 2020 topics listed at https://health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives, choose a health problem of most relevance or interest to you, reflect on the roots of your personal interest in public health and in that specific health problem. Provide a summary and rationale for your chosen topic that includes public health measures (e.g. statistical data and trends); the population most affected by the issue; a synopsis of the public health literature on the topic; and the historical and cultural aspects and/or ethical implications related to topic. Example: Poor nutrition is a reality for 165 million children under the age of 5 in the world today. Approximately one in four children under 5 years old are stunted (26 per cent in 2011) and 80% of the world's 165 million stunted children live in just 14 countries. --- etc. (Reference: http://www.unicef.org/media/files/nutrition report_2013.pdf) Part II (1 page): In this section, you will need to address and discuss the following as they relate to your topic: social/behavioral determinant; the underlying biological mechanism; identify and justify relevant public health policies or laws related to your health problem; and describe current efforts to address the problem, success of methods currently in place, prospects for the future. Example: Dietary habits and physical activity are two behavioral determinants of obesity. A biologic pathway may involve the immune system. (Reference: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16150379) Part III (1 page): This component should include what you have selected as the novel/innovative approach or next step to eliminate/or curtail the issue with justification. Public Health in Action Paper will not be accepted late. Each part of the paper, including the final paper, will need to be double-spaced with 1-inch margins. You will need to have at least 5 different sources for the information in your project, cited in APA format. Please refer to the APA module on Canvas for help on APA citation.See Answer
  • Q5:Question 1: Why do American Indians have higher levels of increased smoking, obesity, and sedentary lifestyles, which contribute to the type 2 diabetes rates?See Answer
  • Q6:Question 2: Why is the Indian Health Service an important part of health care that is historically "owed" to American Indians/Alaska Natives?See Answer
  • Q7: Name: Subject: Teacher/s: Task Number: Date Due: PDHPE ● 2 Assessment Information/Cover Sheet Task Overview: What affects my health and the health of others? This assessment task is a report task. You are to write a report for the Australian Government on the 'Health of Young People in Australia'. The core unit that will be assessed is Core 1 "Better Health For Individuals". Instruction for Submission: Your assignment must be completed as a report which is to be submitted to Turnitin 8:45am on 28/6/2022 (Week 10, Term 2). NOTE: Late submissions incur a penalty as indicated in the Assessment Policy. Signed: Weighting: 30% P2 explains how a range of health behaviours affect an individual's health P3 describes how an individual's health is determined by a range of factors P4 evaluates aspects of health over which individuals can exert some control P5 describes factors that contribute to effective health promotion P15 forms opinions about health-promoting actions based on a critical examination of relevant information • P16 uses a range of sources to draw conclusions about health and physical activity concepts. Outcomes to be assessed: PLAGIARISM STATEMENT By submitting the task for grading and/or marking, I acknowledge the following; The work submitted is my own work (unless appropriate acknowledgement has been made). Where the work of others is used and not acknowledged, a finding of Plagiarism will be made and a zero grade or N/A will be awarded. Date: Task Details: You are to write a report for the Australian Government on the 'Health of Young People in Australia'. Your report needs to answer the following 4 questions: 1) Analyse the health status of young Australians. (300 words) Describe a range of health problems that young people are facing (e.g. physical health conditions, mental health conditions, social health problems) Analyse current health data throughout your response provide up to date examples and use your own research to assist you along with the example provided: www.aihw.gov.au www.health.gov.au www.health.nsw.gov.au 2) Analyse the effects of the risk taking behaviours of young Australians on their health. (400 words) Describe a range of risk taking behaviours of young Australians. Explain the short and long term effects these have on their health. 3) Analyse the determinants of health and their influence on the health behaviours of young Australians. (400 words) Explain each of the determinants of health. Link the impact of the determinants on the health behaviours of young Australians. Use your own research to provide a range of up to date examples. https://www.aihw.gov.au/getmedia/11 ada76c-0572-4d01-93f4-d96ac6008a95/ah16-4-1-social-d eterminants-health.pdf.aspx 4) Critically analyse one current health promotion strategy of your choice that has been implemented to benefit young Australians. (400 words) Describe the strategy. Critically evaluate the strategy i.e. is it/will it effectively achieve its aim in your opinion? Why/Why not? Use your own research to provide a range of reasons and specific examples to support your argument and highlight the positive and negative aspects of the health promotion strategy. standards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/11-12/stage-6-learning-areas/pdhp https://www.education e/pdhpe-syllabus/annotated-list-of-health-promotion-initiatives Note: Include APA referencing NAME QUESTION 1 Analyse the health status of young Australians (P2, P16). 0 Non-attempt 0 Non-Attempt 1 Provides a limited description of the physical, mental and social health problems 1 MARKING CRITERIA Provides a limited amount of relevant data, evidence and examples 2 Provides a basic description of the physical, mental and social health problems 2 Provides a basic amount of relevant data, evidence and examples 3 Soundly describes the physical, mental and social health problems 3 Provides a sound amount of relevant data, evidence and examples 4 Thoroughly describes all physical, mental and social health problem 4 Provides a thorough amount of relevant data, evidence and examples 5 Extensively describes all physical, mental and social health problems Marks: 5 Provides an extensive amount of relevant data, evidence and examples /10 NAME QUESTION 2 Analyse the effects of the risk taking behaviours of young Australians on their health (P4, P16). 0 0 1 Identifies some short- or long-term effects 1 Provides a limited amount of relevant data, evidence and examples 2 Outlines some short- or long-term effects 2 Provides a basic amount of relevant data, evidence and examples 3 Describes some short- and long-term effects 3 Provides a sound amount of relevant data, evidence and examples 4 Analyses some short and long-term effects 4 Provides a thorough amount of relevant data, evidence and examples 5 Analyses some short and long-term effects to form a cohesive picture of the effects on health associated with risk-taking behaviours and lifestyle issues of young Australians Marks: 5 Provides an extensive amount of relevant data, evidence and examples /10 NAME QUESTION 3 Analyse the determinants of health and their influence on the health behaviours of young Australians (P3, P16). 0 0 1 Provides an elementary explanation for each of the determinants of health. Provides an elementary analysis of the impact on the health behaviours of young Australians. 1 Provides a limited range of accurate, specific and current practical examples. 2 Provides a basic explanation for each of the determinants of health. Provides a basic analysis of the impact on the health behaviours of young Australians. 2 Provides a basic range of accurate, specific and current practical examples. 3 Soundly explains each of the determinants of health. Soundly analyses the impact on the health behaviours of young Australians. 3 Provides a sound range of accurate, specific and current practical examples. 4 Thoroughly explains each of the determinants of health. Thoroughly analyses the impact on the health behaviours of young Australians. Provides a thorough range of accurate, specific and current practical examples. 5 Extensively explains each of the determinants of health. Extensively analyses the impact on the health behaviours of young Australians. 5 Provides an extensive range of accurate, specific and current Marks: practical examples. __/10See Answer
  • Q8:You are a human services professional working for a community- based nonprofit organization that serves children in the middle childhood years. You have been given a list of risk factors that are common for children in your area (see Table 1.1 on common risk factors in the article A Risk and Resilience Framework for Child, Youth, and Family Policy PDF for list) and have been tasked with recommending an evidence-based intervention that could be integrated into the organization that would help with at-risk youths exposed to at least one of these factors. After reviewing Table 1.1 on page 12, select one or more of the factors and address the following in your initial post: • Identify which risk factor(s) you have selected for the focus of your intervention. • Present a brief summary on an evidence-based intervention program or strategy that would produce positive outcomes in children dealing with the risk factor(s) that you selected. • Provide specific examples of how this intervention specifically meets the needs of children with the risk factor(s) that you identified.See Answer
  • Q9:SCENARIO: Fancy Foodstuffs Inc. is evaluating the costs to conduct ongoing ergonomics training at its manufacturing facility. You may want to use the table presented in class. 1. Compute the total yearly cost of the training given the following information: Two safety professionals (non-loaded hourly pay is rate = $40/hr.) deliver the training; however, only one has to do the scheduling. The course materials have already been developed, and the yearly ongoing cost for development and for materials is negligible. One of the professionals delivers the 2 hr training. One professional needs one hour for one of the safety professionals is required for scheduling and preparation for each session. They deliver training to one shift once per month, totaling 12 different training sessions. • Approximately 400 wage employees (non-loaded average hourly pay rate = $23/hr.) from the plant attend the training each year. In addition to the training time, the cost of employee benefits is approximately 50% of the employee's pay rate. Each time wage employees attend the ergonomics training, production slows down. Although jobs are rotated to minimize the impact, historical data has shown that production drops by 5% on days when the training is delivered. The average profit value of one full shift of production at this plant is $7,500. It is anticipated that implementation of the new program will save $35,000 in injury costs this year.See Answer
  • Q10:2. What is the anticipated ROI for year 2022? The formula for Return on Investment is: ROI = Net Program Benefits/Total Program CostSee Answer
  • Q11:3. What is the break-even point? Years to Break Even = Total Program Cost / Benefit per YearSee Answer
  • Q12:4. Considering a profit margin of 7.5% AND we opt to NOT do the training, what additional amount of sales would be needed to cover $35,000 in injury costs that the training would have prevented?See Answer
  • Q13: Mr. Smith is a 35-year-old unmarried Caucasian male who was diagnosed with schizophrenia, paranoid type, at the age of 22. At the time, he was in college and doing well academically but had started to become increasingly withdrawn from his friends and family. Those close to him began noticing that he appeared increasingly suspicious, making remarks about being followed and recorded by members of the Secret Service. He gradually stopped attending hockey practice and a book club, and his grades started to slip. One evening, his college roommate Adam arrived home to find Mr. Smith attempting to disassemble the microwave oven while it was still plugged into the wall outlet. When his roommate attempted to intervene, Mr. Smith became acutely agitated, started making angry remarks about hidden transponders, and threw a chair across the room. His roommate called the police, and Mr. Smith was escorted to the emergency room of the university hospital,where he remained extremely agitated and continued to make paranoid statements. He was admitted to the inpatient psychiatric service on an involuntary commitment status. During the hospitalization, a diagnosis of schizophrenia, paranoid type, was confirmed based on history obtained from multiple sources. He was stabilized on an anti psychotic medication, which almost completely dissipated his delusional thinking, and he was discharged in stable condition.Mr. Smith did well for about a month after his discharge, but then stopped taking his medication and Ethics and law are not the same, but they often interrelate. In managing their professional work with patients, healthcare providers primary focus should be patients well-being and best interest. It is essential that all clinicians seeking to work with individuals suffering from psychiatric disorders familiarize themselves with the relevant laws. Follow the template listed below, ALL aspects of the template should be included as it relates to Mr. Smith. The assignment should be written in APA format. All assignments should be posted in CANVAS. Points will be deducted from late assignments.After reading the case study, identify the following aspects of the case: Involuntary Hospitalization Involuntary Treatment Informed Consent Confidentiality HIPPA Duty to warn Malpractice Expert Witness (Consultation to the Court) Competency to Stand Trail Criminal Responsibility/Insanity Defense Evaluation of Psychiatric Disability Evaluation of Emotional Harm in Personal Injury Litigation Documentation EMTALA Ethical and Cultural IssuesSee Answer
  • Q14:Description Discussion Prompt: In your initial post, consider how you personally manifest stress in your body physically. • What types of stressors impact your body and your health most? Why? How? • Do you have ways that you can anticipate and prevent these embodied stress effects? • What seems to help reduce the physical effects of stress for you, and why? Discussion post instructions can be found here Initial Post: Your initial post should be at least 100 words, and no more than 300 words. Responses: You must submit two response posts, one of which can be a response to another student's post on your initial post. Responses should be at least 50 words in length. Make sure you are respectful of opinions that are different from your own.See Answer

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