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Consider two infinite plates, both parallel to the xy plane of a coordinatesystem. The top plate is at the height z = +10cm and carries a uniform charge distribution of

o= +A•10-°C/m². The bottom plate is at height z = - 10cm and carries a uniform charge distribution of o= - A·10-°C/m². The space between the plates is filled with air. Between the plates runs a long wire along the x-axis (at z=0 and y=0),carrying a current of A-5 Ampere flowing in the positive x-direction. Two 1C test charges are moving between the plates. Test charge 1 moves in y-direction at a height of z =of 3m/s.+5cm, at a speed Test charge 2 moves in x-direction at a height of z = -5cm and at y = 0,at a speed of 5.106 m/s.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8