of the Milwaukee School of Engineering who is keen to ask
practical, i.e., "real world," problems (although this one is
arguably more fun than practical).
3. The Z machine at Sandia National Laboratory in Al-
buquerque, New Mexico, is used to perform various
physics experiments. Over the span of about 95 ns
(nanoseconds) it delivers an electromagnetic pulse with
a peak power of 350 TW (terawatts). This peak is more
power than any other generator can produce and, in fact, is more than one-percent of the
power produced by all the generators in the world combined. Let us assume the power varies
linearly from zero up to a peak of 350 TW in 47.5 ns and then varies linearly back to zero
after another 47.5 ns.
(a) How much energy, in joules, is delivered by a single "shot" of the Z machine?
(b) In terms of chemical energy, a kilogram of bacon contains approximately 4700 food
Calories. Which has more energy, a Z-machine shot or a kilogram of bacon? (Food
Calories are actually kilocalories and there are 4184 joules per kilocalorie.)
Fig: 1