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Question 1: From Chapter 8, 9, and 10. The Weekly Learning POINT is your chance to reflect on the

material from the past week and focus on a specific area of importance to you. Use the word POINT as

your guide:

P- PERCEPTION- What this week changed your PERCEPTION of Small/Entrepreneurial Businesses and/or

yourself and your thinking.

O-OBSERVE- What did you OBSERVE in real life that was a reflection of what you studied this week.

I - INTEGRATE - How do you see the material integrating or tying into your other courses?

N - NOVEL - What was NEW/UNUSUAL for you this week?

T - TACTIC - What TACTIC will you now pursue? What practical action will you take because of what you

have learned?


"What I found most interesting this week was our discussion about the different types of innovation.

There are three different "medians" of innovation: Lifestyle, entrepreneurship, and corporate. The latter

two I was well aware of, but I had never considered innovating in my day to day life. We learned last

semester that innovation can be stifled by putting parameters around the way we think. In my case, I

normally look at creativity and innovation in the parameters of entrepreneurship. This means that I'm

missing out on tons of opportunities to innovate in my daily life. You also gave us real examples in your

own life of ways that you've used your interests and creativity to make some extra cash on the side.

Seeing your success and how simple innovation can be encourages me to turn my ideas into reality. I

also found the Ted talk we watched on design thinking to be extremely informative. The most beneficial,

paradigm shifting point made in the video is that design thinking starts with people. At a fundamental

level this is humanitarian design. It is grounded in the needs of others, making it a pragmatic way of

thinking that isn't so much concerned with making money as it is with helping others."

Fig: 1