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Q1) Design a IL dB equal-ripple low pass filter with a cut-off frequency of fc GHz and attenuation of AT dB at twice the cut-off frequency. The filter should be matched to a Z1 Q microstrip line. a) Calculate the values of individual inductancesand capacita nces that are needed for this filterstarting with a series element. b) Sketch the LC equivalent circuit of the designed low-pass filter in ADS, run simulations, showS11, S22, S21, Group Delay between 1MHZ and3*fc. c) Using a stepped impedance filter design calculate the lengths (B) of the sections to use for high impedance sections of characteristic impedance Zhi and low impedance sections of characteristic impedance Zlo . d) Sketch the microstrip layout of the final filter in ADS, run EM simulations, show S11, S22, S21, Group Delay between 1MHZ and 3*fc. Find the total length (B.9 of the designed filter. (Substrate 60 mil thick FR-4 material, Metals: Perfect conductor.)

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6