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*Technological Innovations in Aviation Promoting Aircraft Safety: The Invention of the

Automatic Flight Control System and its impact on aviation safety (1912-2022)".


The final submission is a short research proposal. The suggested word count is 2,500-3,000 words

(around ten pages, double spaced, font size 12). Abstract, list of references, tables with numerical results

(if any), and figures (including their captions and titles) are not included into the word count.

All submissions must be made via the dedicated Dropbox set up on Bright space platform.

Report Structure and Key Points

I suggest that the final report have the following structure:

- Abstract-200 words maximum. Note that abstract does not count towards the word limit for the


- Introduction, where the topic of the report is introduced and motivated. Suggested volume-up to 400


- Literature Review. Minimum number of references: 15. Suggested number of references: 25-30. At

least a third of the references should be scholarly journal papers or working papers. Suggested volume-

up to 800-1000 words.

- Methodology. In this section, you need to identify at least one qualitative and at least one quantitative

research questions pertaining to the topic of your report. Identify variables, making sure to specify the

independent and key dependent variables. You are also to describe how you would set up and carry out

your work to address the research questions you have identified. Suggested volume-up to 400 words.

- Discussion. Discuss expected results of your study, based on theory, available evidence, your educated

guesses. Make sure you link your discussion to the research questions you have identified in the previous

section. Suggested volume-up to 400 words./n- Methodology. In this section, you need to identify at least one qualitative and at least one quantitative

research questions pertaining to the topic of your report. Identify variables, making sure to specify the

independent and key dependent variables. You are also to describe how you would set up and carry out

your work to address the research questions you have identified. Suggested volume-up to 400 words.

- Discussion. Discuss expected results of your study, based on theory, available evidence, your educated

guesses. Make sure you link your discussion to the research questions you have identified in the previous

section. Suggested volume-up to 400 words.

- Concluding Comments. In this section, in addition to discussing the importance of your work, provide a

discussion of weaknesses of your study, and also give some suggestions for follow-up work. Suggested

volume-up to 300 words.

- List of references, which are to be organized alphabetically by the lead author's last name. Only use

those references that are in the text. For this assignment, there is no minimum or maximum number of

references to be used this only related to the literature review. List of references is not included into

the word count.

- Appendices are not allowed.


Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's

own original work. Plagiarism is considered a serious form of academic dishonesty, and attracts severe

penalties, up to and including a failing grade for the course, with the possibility of additional

administrative actions taken by the University. Please check with the instructor if you have any

questions, concerns, or doubts.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2