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Part 2: Application

Imagine that you have been assigned to support a student in grade 6. Your supervising teacher has given a humanities assignment to the class: to choose and research their favourite Greek God or Goddess, and then write an essay to share their new understandings. Consider the following questions and write a 2-3 page (double spaced) response:

Does this learning task acknowledge and encourage different ways of learning? Why or why


Being mindful of Multiple Intelligences, what are some different ways that the students might

represent their understanding of the topic in different ways? (Share 3 specific examples- each

highlighting a different intelligence.)

Knowing what you know now about different ways that students learn, what would your

approach be when working with diverse learning styles? How might you offer support to these

learners? (Be specific.)

How would you communicate with a teacher that does not provide opportunities for students to

use their unique intelligences to demonstrate their understanding?