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Part 1

Contemplate the following questions as you read Chapters 1 and 2 Ramburs, Health care finance,

economics, and policy for Nurses. Answer the below questions in your DB assignment

Answer these questions based on chapter 1 and 2

What is health economics and why is it important to nurses?

Who pays for health care in the United States? How?

What payments are most of your clients in your job? What is the revenue cycle?

Explain Actuarial value.

How does it affect pt outcomes if a state expanded Medicaid or not?

What do we learn by looking at the history of the evolution of the healthcare system in the US? How

does it affect us today?/nPart 2

Read pages 130-135 and answer these questions.

Answer and include in the DB How do you believe Al will impact nursing care in your practice

Does Big data and Al pose ethical questions. Detailed answers please

Part 3

Week 1 Discussion Board Assignment

This assignment is first emailed to me and then posted to DB afterward.

Which course outcomes listed below align with your readings?

Below are the outcomes of your course.

Answer this question based on the course outcomes

In other words which outcomes did you meet or partially meet with your readings and research this



This assignment is first emailed to me and then posted to DB afterward.

Which course outcomes listed below align with your readings?

Course Outcome

1. What is the role of government in the funding of health care? Discuss the revenue cycle process

and how these affect the nursing process.

2. Identify healthcare budgets as they impact the healthcare industry.



Discuss the influence and impact of health care policy when delivering care.

Examine the impact of health care policy, finance, and regulatory environments

5. Discuss and analyze health reform and its impact on the delivery of healthcare.

on nursing practice.

6. Integrate principles of communication with the development of health care policy.

7. Recognize and describe the effects of health care policy when delivering care.

8. Analyze health policy, health finances, and issues at the local, state, national, and international


Fig: 1

Fig: 2