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This assignment is worth 30 points. Late assignments will be penalized 10% for each class day returned late. Be sure to show your work when applicable for full credit. You will submit your document on Canvas under the Assignments tab. If you have trouble with your submission, you can email me, but for organization, please don’t send me your assignment via email. You must submit a single PDF file or Word Doc that contains your submission to receive credit. Submissions that are illegible, and that have missing work will receive a deduction. You may either write your work using a document preparation software (e.g., Word, LaTeX, or Google Docs) or handwrite your work and use an app like CamScanner to create a PDF file. Ask Dr K if you have any questions, thanks! Part 1: Understanding Wind Chill and Heat Index. (4 points). Complete the blanks in the following table using the wind chill or heat index charts on our canvas page (hint: .pdfs are located in the files section under “Homework Resources”). Part 2: Understanding, Temperature, Dew Point, and Relative Humidity (8 points). First, read the .pdf called Computing RH and Dew Point Temp on Canvas. You will need chart shown on the first page of this document to complete Part 2! Solve the following problems showing the relationship between saturation vapor pressure, RH, dew point, and air temperature. 1. If the air temperature were 75°F and the dewpoint were 55°F, what is the relative humidity? Relative humidity = ____________________ 2. If air temperature is 60°F and the relative humidity is 84%, what is the dewpoint in °F? Dewpoint temperature = ____________________ 3. If the saturation vapor pressure is 25.0 hPa and the vapor pressure is 10.2 hPa, what is the air temperature and dew point in °F? Air temperature and dew point = ___________________ The following data was collected via a personal weather station in San Marcos. Part 3: Cloud Observation Chart (18 points) During each day on four different days of your choosing from now until the due date, observe the presence of any clouds, precipitation, or optical phenomena at least two times per day, preferably first thing in the morning and in the afternoon/evening. Your period of observation can include at most one time without any cloud. Create a TABLE with 5 columns in a spreadsheet software (excel, google sheets, and so on), and summarize the following (each item gets its own column): 1. location and time/date of observation, 2. types of cloud(s) present, 3. estimate of cloud base, - 2000m, 6000m or between 2-6k 4. noteworthy characteristics of the cloud(s) Your description will include: (indications of vertical wind shear, supercooled water) Where cloud(s) are located with respect to surrounding terrain Likely generating mechanism (e.g., orographic lift, instability, frontal movement), 5. characteristics of any optical phenomena or contrails (location in the sky relative to the sun, colors, etc.), and type and intensity of any precipitation. Paste the completed table to this document or upload it as a pdf, .xls, or word doc. :)

Q1. Did an El Niño event occur during the winter of 2015? Q2: Using what we learned in class, what could have caused the crabs to appear along the beaches of California? Q3: What kind of evidence backs up your claim for Q1 and Q2? Include specific data and observations from the graphs & maps you observed using 3-4 sentences.

A Stairmand high-throughput cyclone is chosen to clean a dusty airstream flowing at 8,000 acfm (180 °F, 1 atm). The maximum allowable pressure drop is 9 in. H2O. The particle density is 1,300 kg/m3 and K = 16. Find the cyclone diameter, D. Report your answer in units of meters, rounded to two values past the decimal point. \left(\mathrm{lb} / \mathrm{ft}^{3}\right) \times 16.0187=\left(\mathrm{kg} / \mathrm{m}^{3}\right) 1 \text { in. } \mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}=248.8 \mathrm{~Pa} 1 \mathrm{~m}^{3} / \mathrm{s}=2,118.9 \mathrm{ft}^{3} / \mathrm{min}

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