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Week 1 Lab -Modeling Options

Due Wednesday of Week 2 at Midnight (10 points)

• Refresh your modeling skills

• Become familiar with the operation of different CAD software packages

• Create a simple part that can be used for future CAM activities

• Get some technical writing practice


• Open the attached part in the modeling software of your choice. OSU currently has NX

and Solidworks. Several are available on the web (free for students or trial) including

Fusion 360 and OnShape. 3D Paint is always an option.

Re-create/reverse engineer the model

o Obtain the dimension using the software's measure tool

• Re-create the part in two different software packages (three total)

Research some of the important aspects of the software (e.g. cost, delivery method

(local installation vs web app), ...)

Summer 2023


• Create a short report using the What I Did, Why I Did It, What I Learned format

Include comparisons of at least some of the following features

o Cost

o Delivery method (online (app) or local)

o Direct vs parametric modeling

o Integrated CAM or other tools/features

o Support network

o Usability

Include screenshots as appropriate to support your findings


Keep in mind that the model doesn't have to be perfect. The assignment is to compare

softwares-you just need enough information go make an informed decision

Upload a copy of your report to the Gradescope assignment

Fig: 1