Material Science

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A typed document is required for this assignment. When you have completed the questions, create a cover sheet, make a single .pdf file containing both your answers and the cover sheet, and upload it to iLearn MECH2005.

Application 2 The design of vibration blocks to be used on a large industrial, rotating machinery.

Assignment Application 1 The design of rails (tracks) for a new railway line

Design such a composite material that it has at least two of the material properties (optical, electrical, etc.) Write down the specific properties for the components in your composite material, using the Tables explained in the lesson and giving values.

only need a formula sheet for this topic in material sciences course Crystal structure Defects in crystalline solids Diffusion Mechanical properties Strengthening mechanism

Plot two fcc unit cells for anions. Identify a tetrahedral interstitial site in one and an octahedral site in the other. Identify two adjacent layers of (111) planes in each to show that the two types of interstitial sites are formed between them. Why can it be said that the interstitial structures in the fcc and hcp structures are the same?

What process limits the strength of ceramics? Write the formula used to calculate the ceramic strength. Plot the strength distribution curve (i.e., population versus strength) for a typical ceramic material and explain its shape. Discuss the effects of the following on the reliability of a ceramic material: (i) increasing its Weibull modulus and (ii) increasing its fracture toughness without changing its crack sizes (you are required to use a diagram to justify your answer in each case).

Element X has a coordination number of 12 and 6 atoms in a unit cell. What type of crystal structure does it have? a. Simple cubic b. Hexagonal close packed c. Body centred cubic d. Body centred tetragonal

Problem 2: Work Hardening during a Tensile Test a. An annealed metal specimen of an initial diameter of 0.505 inch supports a maximum tensile load of 120,000 lb at which point the initial area is reduced 40% (%RA = 40%). At this maximum load, compute the corresponding true stress of and true strain Et. b. If a second identical specimen of the same dimensions was loaded until the true strain reached half the magnitude of n, what load P would be required to reach this condition? Assume that the metal obeys o, = K & during the tensile test.

Problem 3: Spherical Pressure Vessel A thin-walled spherical vessel contains a pressure p and has an inner radius r and a wall thickness t. It is made of an isotropic, homogeneous material that behaves in a linear-elastic manner. Determine the following as a function of the pressure (p), the geometric dimensions (r, t) and the materials constants (E, v) involved: a) Change in radius Ar b) Change in wall thickness At For spherical pressure vessel: 6=6=pr/2t, ₂~0

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