Kinematics of Machines

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Compute the eigenvalues of the matrix A. Can you comment on the stability and damping properties of this system based on the computed eigenvalues?

• 2-23C A room is heated by an iron that is left plugged in. Is this a heat or work interaction? Take the entire room, including the iron, as the system.

2-1C What is the difference between the macroscopic and microscopic forms of energy?

An offset crank-slider mechanism is shown in the figure. Crank length O2A = 63 mm, piston-rod length AB-130 mm, Distance between center point of crank and center line of piston is offset =52 mm. 1) Determine the displacement of piston d as a function of angular displacement of crank 02. 2) Calculate the value of displacement d when 02=55°

Problem 8. A ball is thrown horizontally from a height of 20 m. When it hits the ground, its speed is 3 times its initial speed. Find its initial speed.

A7.3. PIN-IN-SLOT THREE-BAR MECHANISM. This problem is based on Z from Exam 2, with the exact same geometry: Link 1: fixed, horizontal, R = 10 in. Link 2: moving, R = 3 in., Point B is a pin, inserted into the slot in Link 3, \theta_{2}=105^{\circ}, \omega_{2}=10 \mathrm{deg} / \mathrm{s} \mathrm{ccw} Link 3: moving, long straight slotted link, with one end pinned to point C on the groundwith a revolute joint (A) Use the method of Instant Centers & AVRT to calculate wz. Report the direction. (B) Find the magnitude and direction of the sliding velocity at point B. Note, this is trickier than it seems.

Question 1: block 1 of mass m=2.0 kg and block 2 of mass m=3.0 kg are connected by a string of negligible mass and are initially held in place. Block 2 is on a friction less surface tilted at 0=30". The coefficient of kinetic friction between block 1 and the horizontal surface is 0.25. The pulley has negligible mass and friction. Once they are released, the blocks move. What then is the tension in the string?

4. Gear bending stress. Consider just the pair Gear 1 and 2. Gears are all 20° pressure angle with a milled profile and a face width of ". Let the transmitted load be 14.0 lbf and the pitch-line velocity be 1178 ft/min. O What is Y for 20 and 80 teeth? )What is K? What is the bending stress on Gear 1, in psi? What is the bending stress on Gear 2?

Problem 2. A projectile is launched at a speed vo. For each situation referred to here, graph v-(t),vy(t), a„(t) and a, (t). Your graphs should be qualitatively correct relative to each other. (a) The projectile was launched horizontally from the roof of a building, (b) The projectile was launched from the ground at an angle 0 above the horizontal.

2-25C A gas in a piston-cylinder device is compressed, and as a result its temperature rises. Is this a heat or work interaction?

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