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• Topic:- Drug users in skid row

• 3 paragraphs, 5 sentences in each paragraph, double spaced times new roman

Word limit:- 300-400

At least 2 sources cited APA/nOverview

As a future community health professional, you will likely be asked to implement intervention and prevention strategies based on data from

research in the field. You will make recommendations and seek resources to support health behavior changes needed within the community.


In this milestone, you will address health behaviors, resources, and strategies. These aspects compose Section IV, Educational Information, of

the final project.

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

IV. Educational Information: In the concluding section of your presentation, you will explain how intervention and prevention strategies can

be used to support health behavior changes in the community. Specifically, you should address the following:

A. Health Behavior: Based on the data and your research of the issue, what changes in behavior should occur in order to see improvement

in the issue? For example, setting specific and measurable weight loss goals could be a behavior change when working to reduce


B. Resources: Describe the resources and health services that are available to support these health behavior changes. In other words,

what resources could the community use to support the health behavior changes you identified?

C. Strategies: How can key prevention and intervention strategies be used to support the changes in behavior that you identified? For

instance, you might explain a prevention strategy such as community education around

Fig: 1

Fig: 2