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II. If the following sentences can be changed to passive, write Y in the blank. If they

cannot be changed to passive, write N in the blank. If you wrote Y, please change the

sentence to passive using the SAME verb tense. It is NOT necessary to use the by-phrase.

(20 points)

1. Scientists use the "relearning method" in memory research.

2. The students were waiting for the teacher for 15 minutes.

3. My neighbor's son became a doctor last year.

4. People have seen the escaped convict in East Tennessee.

5. Teenagers are wearing baggy pants more and more these days.

6. Amazon will deliver my package tomorrow.

7. Mark's new car looks really expensive.

8. My boss made the decision to cancel our break.

0 ING/n14. Alexander Graham Bell (invent).

telephone in 1876, and life hasn't been the same since then.

15. When a document (translate).

foreign language, it sometimes loses some of its original meaning.

roads and

16. Floods often (damage).

bridges during the rainy season in Central America.

17. The magazine editor (discover).

in the article before it went to the publisher.

18. The students (give).

to write a paper on the Philippines.

19. Nicer restrooms (might, build)

new office building next door.

20. What (happen).

pass your English class?


into a

a mistake

an assignment

in the

next semester if you don't/n8. My new telephone line (connect)


9. A person who is inside my house (can, see).

from the street outside by passersby.

10. The papers (organize).

supervisor came into the office and asked for them.

11. Nick (have to, travel)

job, and he really doesn't like it much.


when the

a lot for his

12. By the time Congress finishes its summer session in August, three new laws


13. If I'm lucky, this paper that I'm writing for my history class (might, finish)

by 11:00 tonight./nchapter 3

1. Please put the following sentences in either the passive or active voice. Remember to

also choose the correct verb tense for each sentence. If a modal is provided, please use

it. Do not add a modal if I do not give you one. (40 points)

1. Stephen King (write)

some of the most

famous science fiction novels, and he is still coming out with new ones every


2. The airport (can, reach)


3. Do you think that young children (should, teach).

how to use a gun?

5. The zoo (buy).

when the old one died last year.

easily by

4. Oil prices (determine).

demand-the more people want the product, the higher the price.

by supply and

a new elephant from Africa

7. My friend had to go to traffic court, and he (order)_

to pay a fine of $130.

6. In order to register for classes at this university, high school transcripts (must,


with the application.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4