Essay Writing

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Argumentative Essay Guidelines Purpose Real world and career connection: We can see argumentation in our everyday lives. In addition to essays, advertisements, brochures, slogans, speeches and presentations, and even posters can be argumentative. This assignment will help you improve your critical thinking skills, recognize fault in other people's arguments, and present stronger arguments. College and larger concept performance: Performance in reading and writing is one of the best indicators for your college success. You will practice the writing literacy that is essential for most of your college courses such as history, arts and others. The project will especially prepare you for English 1102, which requires more research work. Course outcomes: This essay will meet several course outcomes: (1) To create, organize, and fully develop original ideas, subjects, and thesis statements in oral and written arguments using print and electronic media; (2) To engage individually and collaboratively in the writing process including prewriting, writing, editing, assessing, and revising; and (3) To become acquainted with research and documentation techniques.

Instructions: Submit a 1-page (250 word) paper in response to this prompt. 1 Peter 3:18-22 compares baptism to the flood. What parallels do you see between baptism and the flood?

Spanish 160C Essay #1Prompt: 1- Choose one image from the first encounter of the Aztec Emperor Moctezuma and Hernan Cortes and one from Hernan Cortes and La Malinche and analyze them in terms of their symbolic representation. (What do you think the symbolic message is?) 2- Use the specific definitions of Culture (R. Murphy and L. White), sign (F. de Saussure) and symbol (J. Lacan) taught in class as your theoretical parameter.

Context: Review reports and literature to confirm alcohol consumption among young people and its impacts (up to 300 words; 5 references, ok to use graphs/table to show trends; 5mks)

Technical Research Report Create an approximately 2500-word research report on a technical topic of interest to you. You'll be looking up information that others have researched.

Chicano Park Murals Essay In at least 4 full pages, double-spaced, 12pt font, write an essay that: 1. Written in formal academic style, with thesis statement in the introductory paragraph, body paragraphs that show engagement with the readings, and a concluding paragraph. Consult the Writing Guidelines and the Rubric I use to grade in the syllabus for more information. 2. Engage one of the murals in Chicano Park. Please include a photo of the mural you chose. You do not have to describe it in detail, but describe what drew you to this particular work: think about the symbols or the figures depicted; you may want to do a little research on them. For example, a mural of Che Guevara, the revolutionary behind the Cuban Revolution, reads: "Let me say, at the risk of seeming ridiculous, that the true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love"--you would want to consider the meaning behind this and why Che is featured in the Park. You can include whatever reflective elements that you wish to share; thinking about your own state of mind, your own context, is important when considering the art that matters to you. 3. Write about why mural art is valuable to Conscientization, the critical awareness of injustice necessary for empowerment. Use the O'Connell and Empereur essays, but other readings on the nature of catastrophic suffering or on the value of art are useful too. Find some quotes that help you organize your ideas; use direct quotes and discuss what the author is arguing. 4. When using direct quotes or ideas from an author, you must cite the author's work with the page number or the web address if using a website, such as

Part 1. After reading the three-page article, "Peter, the Wild Boy," answer the following questions, ensuring that each of your answers includes a quote from the article. Be sure to follow proper quote rules, and use the page numbers in the bottom corner of the article (pages 17-19) for your citations. 1. How does Roger Moorhouse, the author, start his article? (What introductory technique does he use to capture attention?) You don't need a quote for this question! 2. Describe what Peter looks like. 3. How did the public treat Peter? Criticize or defend the public's behaviour towards Peter. 4. Identify the thesis statement (or purpose statement the main idea) of this article using proper quotation rules. Is this article more persuasive or informative? 5. What organizational technique(s) does this article use? (Or how is this article organized?)

Part 2. After reading the 10-page article, "Feral and Isolated Children," answer the following questions: 1. According to the article, what are some benefits of studying feral children? Use a quote to help you answer this question (and use the page numbering in the article for your citation). 2. What organizational technique(s) does this article use? 3. Briefly compare the writing style (such as word choice, sentence length, type of content, level of formality, etc.) of this academic journal article with that of the previous article, "Peter, the Wild Boy." Which article did you prefer? Why? 4. Of the three traits that Carlos Linneaus says characterizes "classical" feral children, which one trait do you think would be most difficult to integrate into today's society, and why? Use a quote from the article to help with this answer. 5. Of the four groups of feral children that the article discusses, which group, according to the article, seems to most easily adapt to integrating back into society? Why? Use a quote from the article to help your ideas. 6. If you had to be raised by a type of animal, what would you choose, and where on Earth would you prefer to be "raised"? Why?

Topic:- Should public universities in the United States be free?

Write on the following prompt. Based on what you have learned about The Four Noble Truths and the concept of suffering, discuss how writing, studying, or learning can be a source of suffering. According to The Four Noble Truths, how might this suffering be addressed?

After reading the textbook readings for the module, write a rhetorical analysis of the reading selection provided for this discussion: Kurt Vonnegut's letter to the Chairman of the Drake School: See Read: Kurt Vonnegut Jr., A Letter to the Chairman of the Drake School Board in the Learn section for link Your thread must reflect an understanding of the rhetorical argument considering the following: Rhetorical Rhombus (purpose, audience, subject, writer/speaker) Aristotelian Appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) Cite your source and format your citations according to your documentation style (APA, MLA, or Turabian). The student will complete 2 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 250 words. students must support their assertions with at least 3 citations in the documentation style of their major course of study (APA, MLA, or Turabian format). Each reply must incorporate at least 2 citations in the same format as the original thread. Acceptable sources include the prompt source and the Bible.

In Module 2: Week 2, you must develop a thesis statement and outline for the 1,000-1,200 word proposal argument essay that you will write in Module 3: Week 3. This assignment will show your understanding of the reading material covered so far in the course related to argument and essay development. Putting in the time to do the groundwork in the thesis/outline assignment will help you when you begin writing the actual essay in Module 3: Week 3. It is important to review the sample student outline available in APA, MLA, and Turabian in chapter 13 to understand the expectations of this assignment that will be somewhat different from the expectations of the thesis/outline assignments the other essay assignments in this course.

In this assessment, the following two tasks will help you begin your project, gather your ideas and plan out your research journey: 1. You are required to write a Project Proposal. This involves explaining your chosen topic, noting why you chose it and identifying any key words within this topic area. You must identify key themes within the topic which you will explore in your project, and to write key questions which will guide your research. You are also required to demonstrate consideration of which sources will be appropriate and useful for your project, noting how you will search for them and listing those that you have already located. Finally, you must anticipate any difficulties you will face and state how you plan to overcome them. 2. You are required to write a Work Plan showing a breakdown of steps needed to complete the Written Project in Week 16. You should include as much detail as possible, showing all the project- related tasks you want to complete before the final submission and showing how much time you plan to spend on each activity.

Use your outline and temple from Plan for Summary Response Essay to create a summary response essay (Assignment #2: Summary-Response (3 pages). Before we turn in the final draft, this essay will be peer-reviewed and reviewed by me, the instructor. Be sure to write an essay that you don't mind if others read, and write the kind of essay you would want to read. Remember that you are writing a one-paragraph summary of the essay ("they say") for your introduction, followed by your response to the arguments made by the author ("I say"). You should construct your own argument in response to one particular author, so you don't need to do any outside research. When you use quotes, make sure you "sandwich" them, as described in Read_and Watch: Paraphrasing. Summarizing, and Quoting a Source (or sources). Article Choices: any reading mentioned in this class, theysayisayblog E, a pre-approved opinion article from my Twitter, a pre-approved article choice of your own, or one reading from the 1612 Project.

Question 1: Define and discuss how an issue(s) of inequity in education that you are interested in exploring has/have been addressed through the lens of three different theoretical frameworks of your choice. Make sure to discuss how each of the three theoretical frameworks: • connects to the issue/s of inequity • relates to the purpose of a hypothetical study of the issue/s • frames research questions and • guides considerations for data collection and data analysis planning.

Dear all, use one of the essays in pages 191 - 201 and create an outline using the outline type (topic outline) in page 53. The outline must be types (not handwritten).

Fall 2022 Research Essay Instructions Getting Started & the Requirements of the Essay You will find, evaluate, and share sources with your classmates. Ultimately, you will write a persuasive argument that takes a position on the issue you researched. In the argument, you are required to cite relevant evidence from the sources you found, paying careful attention to establishing credibility and using rhetorical appeals as appropriate. Use the LATTC library resources, the internet, and other tools to research what people are currently saying about that topic. You should use at least five sources to support your claim, two of which should be scholarly peer-reviewed articles (this will be explained). Sources can include books, magazines, newspapers, interviews, documentaries or other types of informational videos (like TED talks), and podcasts. If you use a visual media source, please only use one. Typically, using a variety of sources is the most effective method of supporting your claims. If you are having trouble choosing or understanding articles, finding/evaluating sources, or drafting/revising your paper at any stage, please arrange to meet with me during office hours.

Referring to the job position below, please prepare your resume and cover letter and apply for this job. In your cover letter, you should write why do you think that you are qualified for this position.   Lab Assistant Job type: Entry level Location: Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) Ahmad Al Jaber St., Sharq, State of Kuwait   Eligibility Criteria: B.Sc. In Microbiology/Chemistry/Biomedical Engineering   KFAS is seeking an undergraduate to join their research laboratory.   Responsibilities: Prepare working solutions under the guidance of the head of laboratory Maintain and update register of chemicals and other consumables Responsible for keeping the labs organized and clean in coordination with the head of laboratory Report breakage/damage of equipment to the head of laboratory Prepare annual list of consumables, glassware, and equipment in conjunction with the head of laboratory Prepare the draft of daily lab reports   Skills: Good interpersonal skills, able to work effectively with staff Attention to detail, organized, and a team player Have a good knowledge of English Experienced with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)   To complete the application, you would need the following document(s): Resume/CV Cover Letter

Week 5 Assignment - Professional Experience: Presentation Summary Requirements • Identify a topic of how a company leverages social media in the workplace Do not use any other topics. • Develop the first three slides of your presentation • Develop a title slide with the name of your presentation, your name, and the date of submission. = Develop an agenda slide that lists the key information you might use in your body slides for Week 6. Develop an introduction slide that provides an overview of the uses of social media and your main idea for the presentation. WEEK 5 JOURNAL - REFLEXIVE JOURNAL Requirements In a journal entry of at least 250 words, record your thoughts about these questions: • What do you think about the topics covered in this week? • What in your personal experience may have influenced your thinking about this issue? Consider social/cultural norms, religious beliefs, environment, and background. As you experienced the perspectives presented in this week, what thoughts or questions surfaced about the topic? • Have your perspectives about this topic changed in any way? Why or why not?

Demonstrating Knowledge of Current Relevant Research Prepare answers to the following questions to demonstrate your depth and breadth of knowledge of related research using APA 7 formatting and appropriate citations. Literature review must be double spaced and size 12 Times New Roman font and should not exceed 12 pages excluding reference page. Directions: For this question, you will be creating a literature review organized around greater themes of empirical studies surrounding issues of educational inequality. Choose 15-20 articles that are roughly 7,000 to 10,000 words to discuss. Be sure to not simply list each study but rather organize your discussion around themes that have emanated from your exploration of the three chosen frameworks. You must also include the three chosen frameworks below in the literature review. The three theoretical frameworks that are chosen to address this issue are social constructivism, social learning theory, and identity theory. These theories are chosen because they all address the issue of inequality in education, in one way or another, from different perspectives. The focus and the issue of this paper is to address the inequalities among low-income families education in perspective of these following theories: 1. Social Constructivism- The role of social interaction in the creation of knowledge is underlined by the theory known as social constructivism. Due to the fact that it emphasizes how frequently kids from low-income families do not have access to the same opportunities as their more affluent counterparts, this theory is pertinent to the discussion of educational inequality. The cycle of poverty may be prolonged as a result of their inability to acquire education at the same level. 2. Social Learning Theory- According to the social learning theory, it is crucial to observe and model other people's conduct. This hypothesis is pertinent to the debate over educational inequality because it emphasizes how frequently students from lower-income families do not have access to the same resources as their more affluent counterparts. They might not be able to pursue the same level of education as others due to this lack of access, which might prolong the poverty cycle. 3. Identity Theory- Identity theory focuses primarily on how crucial it is for people to create their own identities. Since it emphasizes how people from low-income homes frequently have a separate personality than their richer friends, this idea is pertinent to the discussion of educational inequality. The cycle of poverty may be exacerbated by this difference in identity, which can also cause a sense of exclusion and a lack of chances.

Part I: Research Methods Using the templates to create a mixed methods research designs-to examine critical issues related to literacy. The template consists of formulating specific research questions that align with sophisticated methods of data collection and analysis, specifying the explicit design, identifying the approaches to ensure high rates of reliability and validity, and forecasting potential implications of the research. Please include appropriate citations using APA 7 formatting. There is no specific page limit for this assignment. You must use the provided templates. Need to check the work and edit it where requires

"Do some research, identify a problem related to domestic travel in Indonesia, and develop a potential solution or idea (it doesn't have to be an app or tech-related, although it is fine if it is)."

Write an argumentative essay that answers and addresses the Essay Writing Assignment (provided after you click "Take the Quiz") as fully as possible. Make sure your essay includes an introduction (with a clear and specific thesis at the end), 3 main ideas in the body, and a conclusion. Use MLA format and use 3rd person objective (Do not use "I") point of view. Also, use Times New Roman 12 pt. font and double space. Overview: In "The Singer Solution to World Poverty," Peter Singer presents several specific and practical ways we could help eradicate (or at least mitigate) the problem of world poverty. Singer relies primarily on hypothetical situations to present his argument that we all could be giving much more than we currently do. Writing Assignment: Write an argumentative essay in which you discuss the efficacy (or lack thereof) of Singer's over-arching premise that Americans need to donate much more to charitable causes such as UNICEF. In doing so, you should consider the following questions: Do you find Singer's hypothetical examples convincing? Can you refute his hypothetical situations (Dora's and Bob's)? Are the phone numbers Singer provides for his readers as well as Singer's estimates on how much money households should donate yearly an effective strategy?

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