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Cover Page:

Your PDF document should begin with a cover page that includes your name, the title of the class or

project, and the date of submission. This provides basic information about the document.

Image Assigned with Source Reference:

Include the image that has been assigned to you for the project. Alongside the image, provide a

source reference indicating where the image came from.

Single Color Band Images (Figure 2):

Include a section in your PDF document where you display single color band images. This likely

involves splitting the original image into its RGB color channels (Red, Green, Blue) and displaying

them separately.

Value and Luminance Images (Figure 3):

Similar to Figure 2, you should display value and luminance images. This might involve converting

the image to a different color space (e.g., HSV or YUV) and displaying the appropriate channels.

RGB Histograms and Luminance Histogram (Figure 4 and Figure 5):

Show histograms for the RGB color channels (Red, Green, Blue) and the luminance channel.

Histograms are graphical representations of the distribution of pixel intensities in an image.

Appendix with Script Files:

Include an appendix section in your PDF document. In this section, provide script files that you

used to generate the results shown in the figures. These script files should be clearly labeled and

commented so that anyone reading your document can understand how you processed the images

and created the figures./nOverall, this task involves presenting and explaining various visualizations and images related to

digital image processing. It also requires you to share the scripts or code you used to generate these

visualizations. The purpose is likely to demonstrate your understanding of image processing

techniques and your ability to implement them programmatically.

Make sure to follow any specific guidelines or requirements provided by your instructor or the

assignment prompt, as they may have additional instructions or expectations.

provided-additional lecture slides

You have to make report, give MATLAB code and give graphs as well.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2