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COURSE Project (10%)


Digital Signal Processing with Applications


Semester: Spring 2023 Table of Contents

I. Introduction ......

II. Project Description..........

III. ABET Learning Outcome

IV. Project Management & Deliverables.

V. Turnitin.......…...

VI. APA Style....

VII. Academic Honesty and Integrity Assurance..

VIII. Copyrights........

IX. Project and team-based work..

X. Marking Scheme .........

XI. Student Assessment Rubric..









8 I.


Projects for engineering students give an edge over the race of recruitment to work hard to ensure a

good career. In spite of employment practices in recent times, students are progressively taking up

projects to pad up their skill-set. Engineering projects help students to learn and acquire practical

knowledge. Despite of theory concept they acquire, various industries also need to know their capacity

to complete projects using their specific initiatives. Thus, we recommend students to realize

engineering projects in their four years of engineering and try to present as many white papers as

possible. Students who give importance to their course projects are expected to learn how to:

Work in teams including multidisciplinary teams

Build a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in the course work

Build a major design experience incorporates appropriate engineering standards and multiple

realistic constraints

Apply both analysis and synthesis in the engineering design process, resulting in designs

that meet the desired needs

In the design process, both creativity and criticism are essential. The followings are the seven steps that

students should consider while designing their projects:

Recognition of the need and identifying opportunities: Every project begins with recognition

that needs improvement. These needs may be obvious or hidden to be revealed by

investigation, surveys or research.

Definition of the design problem: It is a major task requires gathering information about the


Definition of the design criteria and constraints: While the problem is being defined, the design

criteria and constraints must be defined

a. Design criteria are performance standards to be met by the design


Design constraints are limitations placed on the designer, the final design or manufacturing

process. Examples of possible constraints include accessibility, aesthetics, codes,

constructability, cost, ergonomics, extensibility, functionality, interoperability, legal

considerations, maintainability, manufacturability, marketability, policy, regulations,

schedule, standards, sustainability, or usability.

c. Risk analysis

The design loop: design is a repetitive process of:

a. Synthesis (Brainstorming - Generating new ideas)

b. Analysis (Breaking ideas - find expected results)

c. Decision-making (Deciding the best alternative)

Optimization: Design team must ask themselves if it is the optimum design. Optimum is the

best design that can be achieved at reasonable cost. The proposed design is judged against the

design criteria

Evaluation: Design team should hold a design review to approve drawings and specifications

before they are released. If an optimum design cannot be achieved, the design team might

revise the problem definition, the design criteria or the constraints in order to achieve the

optimal solution or prototype. II.

Project Description

Digital signal processing has many real-life applications in. Students can choose one of the

following suggested projects for their course project. Student must develop the design to the

prototype mainly in his own time, however, some of the office hours and lab times will be set

aside to enable you to seek clarification, get more details from your instructors, and receive

feedback on your work. The developed system should have the following:

The project MUST have a working prototype.

The projects should employ, if appropriate, artificial intelligence such as deep

learning algorithms to identify/authenticate users.

Hardware implementation using Raspberry pi, Arduino or any microcontroller,

and any other necessary components related to the selected project.

Software part of the project will be developed using Python/SciLab/ MATLAB or

any other programming language.

Do not diverge from the project specification. If you do not conform to the project specification,

you will lose a high share of the project grade.



1- Activity detection using wearables

You have been hired by a company that manufactures wearable motion sensors for activity

recognition, particularly tailored to assisting the elderly and recognising unusual behaviour. A

wearables sensor unit commonly consists of accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers, which,

in combination, can measure an individual's motion. Recently the company has been interested in

building wearables systems. You have been assigned the job of designing and implementing a robust

wearables sensor unit that can provide tri-axial data from an accelerometer and a gyroscope.

The developed prototype should address the following points:

a. Construct a simple wearables sensor unit with an accelerometer and a gyroscope

b. The sensed motion shall be categorised as one of four activities via a microprocessor

Four different activities shall be detected and displayed on a simple display unit

All circuit design details should be provided in the project report.

2- Stepper motor control

You have been hired by a company that manufactures controllable DC motor systems. Recently the

company has been interested in designing a range of highly controllable DC stepper motors, for use in

laboratory environments. You have been assigned the job of designing and implementing a PID-

controlled stepper motor system.

The developed prototype should address the following points:

a. A DC stepper motor shall be utilised to adjust the angular position of pointer object |||.

b. Precise control of the stepper motor shall be achieved using a microprocessor-based PID




A pot (potentiometer) shall be used to implement the desired angular setting

All circuit design details should be provided in the project report.

3- Object Sorting by Colour

You have been hired by a company that manufactures components having various colours. You have

been assigned the job of designing and implementing an object sorting system that separates balls

based on their colour.

The developed prototype should address the following points:

a. The coloured balls shall be contained in a cone-shaped bowl that dispenses the balls


There shall be at least 6 differently coloured balls


A microprocessor and appropriate sensor shall be utilised to categorise the various balls

d. All circuit design details should be provided in the project report.

4- Silhouette Detection System

You have been hired by a company that provide computer-vision solutions that use image processing

to recognise and categorise image data. You have been assigned the job of designing and

implementing a system for identifying different silhouettes, which emulate the shapes often

encountered when using low-tech, low-resolution cameras for high-altitude reconnaissance tasks.

The developed prototype should address the following points:

a. The system shall successfully identify 6 or more greyscale or black-and-white silhouettes

b. A database of allowable silhouettes will be supplied by your instructor

C. A microprocessor and appropriate sensor shall be utilised to categorise the various shapes

d. All circuit design details should be provided in the project report.

ABET Learning Outcome

The aim of this project is to make the students, who manage to fulfill the project requirements, have:

i. The ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying linear

transforms, and linear algebra. [1]

ii. The ability to apply engineering design process steps to produce solutions that meet

specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global,

cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. [2]

iii. The ability to communicate effectively with the audiences of his/her design. [3]

iv. The ability to work in teams, create a collaborative and inclusive environment. [5]