Control System

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EXERCISE 4.17.16: (Chapter 4, Problem 16 in the 8th Edition). Find the location of the poles of second-order systems with the following specifications: [Section: 4.61 (a) %OS = 15; T₂ = 0.5 second (b) %OS = 8; T₂ = 10 seconds (c) Ts = 1 second; Tp = 1.1 seconds

5.13.20 (a) Use Mason's rule to find the transfer function of Figure 5.2.9 in the text. [Section: 5.5]

5.13.23 (a) Repeat Problem 5.13.22 and represent each system in controller canonical and observer canonical forms. [Section: 5.7]

The purpose of an Automatic Voltage Regulator is to maintain constant the volatge generated in an electrical power system, despite load and line variations, in an electrical power

Write a code that execute the following tasks: [1] Asking a user to choose the degree of the system, the polynomial parameters, and the numerator constant. [2] Getting the transfer function of the provided values. [3] Getting the step transient response of the system with specification values. [4] Getting the stability of the natural system based on the poles locations.

1. Convert the following transfer function to state-space form. Assume zero initial conditions. For full credit, write the differential equation, show the new variables, write the state-space form, and then separately write out each of the matrices and vectors separately from the state-space form.

PROBLEM 1 A dry pharmaceutical evaporator uses a proportional controller to optimize the vacuum in the evaporator. The coupled vacuum valve-process transfer function is: 0.5/(s + 1)(0.5s + 1) The transmitter transfer function is: s+3/6 a) Derive the characteristic equation for the closed-loop control system to a change in the set point = 1. b) Based on your characteristic equation from a) is the system stable for. (1) Kc = 9, (ii) Ke=11, () Ke 13? c) Simulate your answers in b).

Take a control system of your choice. Identify the forced and natural response for the system.

a) Derive a closed-loop transfer function for disturbance changes, Y(s)/D(s). b) What values of Ke will result in a stable closed-loop system if? G₁(s) = 5 Km = 1 G₂(s) = 4/2st 1 G3 = 1/s-1 c) Simulate your responses in b)

Give an example of a first-order system and write its equation.

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