Chemical Engineering Assignment Help | Chemical Engineering Homework Help

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Recently Asked Chemical Engineering Questions

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  • Q1:4.11 Steam enters a one-inlet, two-exit control volume at location (1) at 360°C, 100 bar, with a mass flow rate of 2 kg/s. The inlet pipe is round with a diameter of 5.2 cm. Fifteen percent of the flow leaves through location (2) and the remainder leaves at (3). For steady-state operation, determine the inlet velocity, in m/s, and the mass flow rate at each exit, in kg/s.See Answer
  • Q2: Liquid acetic acid is being cooled in a heat exchanger from 105°C to 40°C by water flowing through a bundle of 50 tubes. The water enters the tubes at 20°C with a total flow rate of 8.75 kg s1 and leaves at 45°C. Using the data and appropriate equations from TABLE Q4, you are required to calculate the following: а)The acetic acid volumetric flow rate. (b)The log mean temperature difference if the fluids are in counter-current flow. (c)The film heat transfer coefficient inside the tubes if they have 20 mm inside diameter. (d)The length of the tubes if the overall heat transfer coefficient isW 2K1, assuming the tubes are thin-walled. See Answer
  • Q3: (a)State the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Use one example for each law to describe how they are applied in engineering practices. (b)A given amount of ideal gas is expanded from volume VA to VB as shown below in Figure Q 2. Use the characteristics of state functions to design a reversible path and prove that the process is irreversible. (c)Carbon dioxide gas (CO2) enters an adiabatic compressor at 0.2 MPa and300 K with a mass flow rate of 1000 m3 h-1 and leaves at 1.0 MPa.Neglecting kinetic energy changes and treating CO2 as an ideal gas,determine: (i)the work input through the compressor; (ii) the power consumption of the compressor if it works at an efficiency of 75%.See Answer
  • Q4: 4. A steam plant operates on a thermodynamic cycle based on two isobaric processes and two isentropic processes. Pure water enters the plant at a rate of 10 kg s1 at80 bar and the saturation temperature. It is isobarically heated to 550 °C and then isentropically expanded through a turbine to 0.5 bar. It is then cooled to the same entropy as the inlet water before being compressed back to the inlet conditions.Calculate the following by using a steam table. (a) The steam state and properties after each process; (b) the heat transfer rates; (c) the network transferred; (d) the process thermal efficiency. (e) Calculate the possible thermodynamic efficiency of such a power generation cycle with the furnace operation condition fixed. Comment on the efficiency and practicality of the power generation cycle.See Answer
  • Q5: For the binary mixture of Liquid 1 and Liquid 2, the constants are given in TableQ1 for the Antoine equation, Eq. Q1, where all pressures are in kPa and all temperatures in °C. \ln P^{0}=A-\frac{B}{T+C} \quad \text { Eq. } Q 1 ) Calculate the boiling temperatures of the pure liquids 1 and 2 at101.32 kPa. (i) State the equation for the total pressure of an ideal binary system (ii) write down the expression for the partial pressure of a compound and (iii) write the expression for the mole fraction of the compound in the gasphase. (c)(i) Use Gibb's phase law to analyse the degrees of freedom of a given binary system and name a set of independent variables to specify the system. (d) Calculate the liquid mole fractions, x1, for compound 1 at temperatures of40, 60, 80, 100°C and at the operation pressure of 303.96 kPa. (e) Calculate the corresponding mole fractions of component 1, y1, to the x1 in(d). (f)Sketch the vapour liquid equilibrium phase diagram from your results.See Answer
  • Q6: (a) Explain the concepts of fugacity and fugacity coefficient and where and how these are used in problem solving. (b) For a pure gas compound, its fugacity coefficient can be calculated by the following equation: \ln \phi_{i}=\int_{0}^{P}\left(Z_{i}-1\right) \frac{d P}{P} \quad \text { Eq. } \mathbf{Q} 3 (1) Derive this equation through the concept of chemical potential. (ii) Calculate the fugacity of propane at 200°C and 10 MPa using Eq. Q3and the generalised compressibility Chart in Figure Q3. See Answer
  • Q7: 3. Nitrogen and hydrogen react to form ammonia. \mathrm{N}_{2}+3 \mathrm{H}_{2} \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{NH}_{3} This reaction provides the basis for most of synthetic fertilizers and is catalyzed by Fe or Ru catalysts A. Calculate the Gibbs Free Energy of the reaction at 298 K (3 pts). B. Calculate the enthalpy of the reaction at 298 K (3 pts) C. Nitrogen (100 mol/h) and hydrogen (300 mol/h) are fed into a gas-phase flow reactor maintained at 20 bar and 773 K. Calculate the Gibbs Free Energy of reaction at that temperature. You may assume the enthalpy of the reaction is constant. (6pts) D. Calculate the equilibrium constant of the reaction at 773 K (3 pts) E. Calculate the extent of reaction at equilibrium (7 pts). You may assume that the gas phase is ideal. F. How would you calculate the extent of reaction if the gas phase were not ideal? (4pts) G. The equilibrium extent of reaction will be highest at (2 pts): i. High temperature, high pressure ii. Low temperature, high pressure iii. High temperature, low pressure iv. Low temperature, low pressure H. Explain (3 pts) Why does the industry not run the reaction at the conditions you chose above? (3pts)I.See Answer
  • Q8: Question 1 (35%). Below is a flow diagram of a mono-pressure nitric acid plant. This is a very common type of nitric acid plant throughout the world. A key part of the process if the oxidation of ammonia to nitrous oxide in the NH3 converter: \mathrm{NH}_{3}(\mathrm{~g})+1.25 \mathrm{O}_{2}(\mathrm{~g}) \rightarrow \mathrm{NO}(\mathrm{g})+1.5 \mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}(\mathrm{g}) How much heat needs to be removed from the NH3 converter if the exit temperature is 900 °C?The inlet can be considered to consist of air (79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen) and ammonia only and the only significant reaction is the one above. The air to ammonia molar ratio is 8:1, the feed temperature to the reactor is at 300 °C, the ammonia flow is 100 mol/s, and the conversion of ammonia is complete. Use the data attached and perform any integrations numerically.However be clear about what you integrate and give the results of each integration. Include your m-files (or similar).See Answer
  • Q9: Question 2 (30%). The mono-pressure nitric acid process is given its name because it maintains a high pressure from the reactor (where it is 1 MPa) through the whole process (less equipment pressure drops) until it reaches the expander where it is expanded to 1.2 bar. This expander is very important as it produces most of the power used to drive the air compressor. If this turbine was not used the power consumption of the plant would be about 3 times higher! Obviously this would make a massive difference to the economics and carbon footprint of the process. If the is returned to the inlet of the turbine at 600 °C and 0.9 MPa at a flow of 630 mol/sgas(assumed to be only nitrogen), what is the maximum work possible from this turbine? Please use the heat capacity data attached and be very clear about calculations done numerically. See Answer
  • Q10: 3. Humid air at 30°C and 80% relative humidity is cooled to 15°C in an air conditioning unit.In inlet flow rate of the dry air is 5 kg/min. How much heat is removed from the air? What is the mass flow rate of the liquid leaving the AC unit?See Answer
  • Q11: As you already know, the units of -r, are always in terms of concentration per unit a me (mol/m/s), and the units for k will vary with the order of the reaction. So, a) write the power law for a 0th, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd overall reaction order and b) the units for k for each order (A products)See Answer
  • Q12: Liquid toluene with a temperature of 25°C flows into a flash vaporization unit at a rate of0.5 kg/min. A vapor stream at 150°C flows out at the same rate. How much heat (in Watts) must be supplied to the vaporization unit?See Answer
  • Q13: The irreversible hydrogenation of ethylene to produce ethane takes place in a PBR over a Ni/support catalyst at 400 K. Treat this second order reaction as elementary (although in real life it is not). The rate constant at 400K is k = 0.2 L( a) If a stream containing equimolar amounts of ethylene and ethane enters the PBR at 400 K and5 atm, with a total volumetric flow of 8 L/sec, apply the algorithm to determine what mass of catalyst is required for a conversion of 70%? (Ignore pressure drop).See Answer
  • Q14: A gaseous stream of ethanol (6 mol/h), hydrogen (1 mol/h) is introduced into a plug flow reactor. In the reactor, the ethanol reacts to form acetaldehyde and hydrogen. The reaction proceeds to equilibrium. 1. Write out the reaction with formulas. 2. Calculate the Ago at 298 K. Use data from the appendix. 3.Calculate the Ah° at 298 K. 4. Calculate the K at 298 K. 5. Calculate the { at 298 K. You can assume that the reactor is ideal and that the total pressure is 1bar.See Answer
  • Q15: A gas mixture has the following composition in mole present Methane ch$ 20 % ethylene c2h4 30 % nitrogen n2 50 % The temperature of the gas is 100 c and the pressure is 90 atm assume ideal gas behavior calculate the mass density of the mixture (glyco 3)See Answer
  • Q16: A metal consists of an equal mass ratio of lead and magnesium at 20 c estimate the mass density of this metal See Answer
  • Q17: 5. Buoyancy: Consider an iceberg that has the shape of a rectangular prism with the following dimensions: length of 200 meters, width of 100 meters, and a height of 20 meters. The density of the ice is 920 kg/m³, while the density of seawater is 1,027 kg/m³. On a volume basis, what percentage of the iceberg sits above the level of the seawater? Include a schematic of the floating iceberg with your solution.See Answer
  • Q18: Fluid force on vertical plate: Determine the total force on the vertical plate that holds backwater (forces on plate are in equilibrium, and the plate is stationary) stored in a large rectangular tank at a depth from 0 to 20 meters, as indicated in the Figure 1 below. Consider the plate is held in place by pins at the A and B positions. The width of the plate (distance into the page) is 50 meters. Provide the answer in metric units (Newtons). See Answer

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Chemical Engineering Homework Help - Why It’s The Best Option

The academic circumstances have gone through several changes. Studies are not restricted to the few hours of school time. To be an ace in Chemical Engineering, students first need to master the chemistry fundamentals. Once they do that, grasping chemical engineering will be easier for them. Subject matter experts state that advanced studies have interesting challenges, particularly in this engineering field. However, students can overcome these challenges with effective chemical engineering homework help. Taking chemical engineering homework support helps students explore diverse scopes and encourage them to succeed in their studies.

Students often feel it's easier to say chemical engineering homework helps them increase their learning capabilities, but it's much more challenging to make it happen. But with proper expert guidance on chemical homework help, students can definitely experience their growth. They will be able to achieve the capability to master the subject in just a few years. TutorBin is one such preferred chemical engineering homework help site that supports students in reaching their goal of achieving academic success. We understand how much effort & time it takes to ace chemical engineering. We have our purpose of making it possible for you.

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Chemical Engineering Assignment Help: Sample Question & Answer

Question 1: Explain the concept of material balance in chemical engineering and its significance in process industries.

Answer 1:

Material balance is a fundamental principle in chemical engineering that involves accounting for the mass of all species entering and leaving a process. The basic equation for a material balance is: Input+Generation=Output+Accumulation Input+Generation=Output+Accumulation In a steady-state process (where there is no accumulation), this simplifies to: Input=Output Input=Output Material balance is crucial in process industries as it helps ensure the efficient use of raw materials, minimizes waste, and maintains the overall mass consistency of the system. It is widely used in designing, optimizing, and troubleshooting chemical processes.

Now, let's create five more questions along with answers:

Question 2: Define the term "stoichiometry" in chemical engineering and explain its application in reaction engineering.

Answer 2:

Stoichiometry is the calculation of reactants and products in chemical reactions. In reaction engineering, it is applied to determine the ideal quantities of reactants needed for a specific chemical reaction to achieve complete conversion and optimal yield.

Question 3: Discuss the importance of unit operations in chemical engineering and provide examples of common unit operations in a chemical process. Answer 3:

Unit operations are distinct steps or stages in a chemical engineering process that involve physical changes to the materials. Examples include distillation, filtration, crystallization, and heat exchange. They are crucial for transforming raw materials into desired products.

Question 4: What is heat exchanger effectiveness, and how is it calculated in chemical engineering? Answer 4:

Heat exchanger effectiveness ( � ε) is a measure of how well a heat exchanger transfers heat between two fluids. It is calculated using the formula: �=Actual heat transferMaximum possible heat transfer ε= Maximum possible heat transfer Actual heat transfer A higher effectiveness indicates more efficient heat exchange.

Question 5: Explain the concept of fluid flow in chemical engineering. How does Reynolds number contribute to understanding the flow regime?

Answer 5:

Fluid flow involves the movement of liquids or gases in chemical processes. Reynolds number ( �� Re) is a dimensionless parameter that characterizes the flow regime. It is calculated using the formula: ��=Inertial forcesViscous forces Re= Viscous forces Inertial forces ​ Understanding Reynolds number helps predict whether flow will be laminar, turbulent, or in a transitional regime, influencing equipment design and performance.

Question 6: Describe the role of catalysts in chemical reactions. Provide an example of a catalyzed reaction and explain how it enhances the reaction rate.

Answer 6:

Catalysts are substances that increase the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed. An example is the catalytic conversion of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen using manganese dioxide. The catalyst provides an alternative reaction pathway with lower activation energy, accelerating the reaction without being consumed in the process.

Topics Covered By Chemical Homework Help Experts

We have already explained how opting for chemical engineering homework help enables students to do well in their academics. But students often become doubtful whether they will be able to get the subject help they require from TutorBin. We assure you that our organization has subject matter specialists in 250+ subjects, including Ph.D. and Masters degree holders. Our organization offers diverse services for various chemical engineering sub-disciplines. From reaction engineering to MATLAB, we help you master this subject. Right now, we have 65000+ tutors currently with us. From the time TutorBin came into existence, it followed one goal to offer quality education to students, irrespective of the nation's boundaries. With the help of our fluid mechanics homework help we ensure that students get the best and achieve their goals smartly.

Finding The Best Help with Chemical Engineering Homework

Opting for the best chemical homework help is what every student wants, but the problem is knowing the best options that suit you. If you are the one who is stuck with the subject and in dire need of academic help, you can look out for these options. In this paragraph, we will discuss the options for you.

  • You can opt for websites offering online chemical engineering homework help
  • You can hire freelance tutors for your chemical engineering homework
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TutorBin Offering Chemical Engineering Homework Support

Students who opted for TutorBin for academic help get some exclusive support to deal with the problems they are facing. Here, we have enlisted some problem statements that students frequently experience. We will enlighten students on how they can overcome their challenges when they opt for help with chemical engineering homework. Whatever difficulties you are facing, TutorBin provides a 360-degree solution for every circumstance. This reason makes TutorBin homework help a preferred choice for students.

Problem 1: The lack of subject understanding:

Solution By TutorBin:We are well aware that students face challenges due to the lack of topic or subject understanding. Opting for our services enables students to deal with this challenge. In this matter, our dedicated subject matter experts play a vital role. They offer 24*7 assistance to ensure students understand the underlying concepts behind given problems. Besides, students also learn from experts what problem-solving approach they should opt for these types of problems. Step-wise solutions actively support students to grasp the topic with ease. It helps them engage in active learning that opens up the pathway for achieving academic success.

Problem 2: Restricted time for learning & finishing heavy coursework

Solution By TutorBin:We understand that a limited timespan is a major concern that needs to be addressed immediately. Universities prepare heavy coursework, thinking it will help students ace the subject in this advanced study stage. But things often don't work the way universities expect. Some students fail to devote their maximum time to their studies due to part-time jobs or other life events. They get stressed and anxious when they can't keep up with the teaching pace. TutorBin comes forward to help them finish their coursework within the given period. Simultaneously provide students the liberty to continue their learning at their own pace.

Problem 3: Unplagiarized and accurate task submission

Solution By TutorBin:The third factor is also significant for students after these two problems. When teachers assign homework, they think it will provide students the scope to practice and learn how to use their knowledge to solve problems. But sometimes, students face difficulties due to their restricted knowledge and limited time. They tend to copy the solution from their classmates, thinking it will save their efforts and time. In reality, it causes more problems like degradation, suspension, etc. TutorBin comes with its chemical engineering homework help to ensure students don't need to copy their solutions. Experts help students to do their homework accurately and also make them understand how they can solve such problems.

Problem 4: Need to boost grade/Not satisfied with teaching

Solution 4:The fourth problem is not very common for students but persists. Students often experience that school hours are not helping enough to do well, or outdated teaching styles reduce their academic inclination toward the subject. Both the problems are somehow related to the less time a teacher spends educating students. Keeping the problem in mind, TutorBin experts commit their time and ensure that students learn well, grow their knowledge base and enhance their academic performance. This thought made this organization one of the highly-rated student-tutor connecting platforms for academic help.

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One of the benefits of taking help from TutorBin chemical engineering homework tutor is that you will have ample time to prioritize issues you feel are challenging. Experienced tutors offer chemical engineering homework help. We also ensure that homework maintains high quality. Some other benefits of homework services are:

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TutorBin is the best website because of our commitment to creating the best student experience while taking online chemical engineering assignment help. Our tutors are some of the most talented minds and pass outs from prestigious institutes. They provide excellent and accurate solutions with 0% plagiarism. Our service pricing is competitive. We also offer students exciting bonuses, discounts, and rewards to ensure they can afford them.

How long will it take to get help with chemical engineering homework?

The time depends on the complexity of the subject along with the proximity of the deadline. Hence, we ask you to enter your preferred deadline while you make the order.

How do I get chemical homework help?

You can take TutorBin help to get your homework. It is a simple process:

  • Visit our website homepage and sign up. Our 24x7 customer care support will assist you if you put your request of do my chemical engineering homework to us. You can also homework help from our student app
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  • Once the payment is made, they will get in touch with the expert for your solution.
  • Your tutor will work on your chemical homework answers and upload it when it is completed.

How much does homework help cost?

The final price depends on the following factors:

  • The time and effort dedicated by the tutor to complete the homework
  • The complexity of the subject
  • The deadline proximity

Since these factors often vary, we cannot quote a specific fixed price. However, the rates are affordable considering the financial aspects of students. Moreover, we offer many exciting discounts to make your homework worth every penny.