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1.Student has provided general flow and data required for this work.

2.course is more related to Pharmaceutical so please do the necessary and not make it too much like

a chemical engineering based

to provide-

1.just researching all the required resources for the report

2.want all the resources, data and references to write and do calculations in the report

3.some data is given, others either need to be found or use experimental data from other sources/n Assignment 2-MECH3002

Thermal resistances - Conduction and Convection – Thermal Mug Manufacturing

This assessment will be marked out of 10 using the Rubric attached. The assessment is worth 10 %

of the total unit mark.

This assessment is to be completed in groups of 1-3 individuals.

1. Learning Outcomes:

● Apply theory learned in the lectures in practice

Problem solving using engineering skill and analytical thinking

Understand the correlation between convection and conduction

Determine the importance of convection and conduction for specific projects

2. Background:

We have studied the mechanism of conduction and convection. We also learned that there is

a resistance associated with the traveling of heat in solids (conductive resistance) and in fluids

(convective resistance). With this knowledge, it is possible to predict the heat loss in different

bodies with different geometries. Particularly, we have studied regular shaped bodies such as

walls, cylinders and spheres. Following the design of a thermos in Assignment 1 completed in

Week 4, you are to use this knowledge and, as engineers, actually manufacture a thermal

cup/mug in Assignment 2,

Thermal cup/mugs (also known as travel mugs) are used to keep a beverage warm for a given

period by making use of insulating materials and high-performance design. Patents for

thermal cups date as far back as 1958. A relatively recent thermal cup patent issued in 2004

defines its invention as: "A thermal cup includes a hollow inner cup body having an inner

surrounding wall and an outer surrounding wall that confine an enclosed chamber

therebetween, and an outer cup body made of a heat insulating material and disposed to

surround the outer surrounding wall of the inner cup body. The inner surrounding wall further

confines a space for containing liquid therein. The outer cup body cooperates with the outer

surrounding wall of the inner cup body to confine a clearance therebetween. A thermal

conductor unit is provided on the outer surrounding wall of the inner cup body, and is

disposed in the clearance." (Luo, 2004). 112




FIG. 1


Figure 1: Patent sketch of a thermal cup from (Luo, 2004)

3. Your specific tasks are to:

1) Add the effect of convection to your previously submitted Assignment 1. Display (or

estimate) all the heat transfer coefficients (conductive k and convective h) involved.

Calculate the expected heat transfer and the expected energy loss over a 3-h period.

2) Determine the significance of convection in your design and then determine whether

your original project will have any alterations before manufacturing.

3) Manufacture the cup/mug you have designed. You are actually going to manufacture

(create, build, construct) the product you have designed. You are not allowed to buy

a product ready off the shelf and present it as yours. But you are welcome to use off

the shelf components or pieces that you may need. The requirements are:

a. Total volume (dimension) cannot exceed 1.5 L

b. Should hold at least 300 mL of liquid

C. Cannot weigh more than 700 g

d. Should be "liquid proof", i.e., cannot leak or deteriorate when in contact with liquids.

e. Should keep contents at a temperature higher or equal to 55 % of the original

temperature for 3 hours.

f. Aesthetics will not be marked

4) Record the making of your cup/mug. You are to make a short video (2 min to 5 min)

of you making your product. Edits are welcome. You don't have to record every detail,

but the overall making of the product. Not all group members need to appear in the

video. 4. Deliverables

There are three straight forward deliverables for this activity: the project, the product and the

video. They are described in more detail hereafter:

A short 2-page document addressing all the tasks set in Section 3. It should have an

executive summary (also known as an abstract in this case) that condenses to one paragraph

what your product is and what it does (max 300 words). It should also contain the convection

calculations, your decision on whether to modify the original product or not and what the

modifications are (if any). This report should also contain the REFERENCES for everything you

used that was created/published by others or previously. You can also reference your

Assignment 1.

The thermal cup/mug itself. The actual product that will be tested against the

requirements given and against a professional cup/mug in the Macquarie workshop later in

the semester.

A 2 to 5 min long video showcasing your working on your thermal cup/mug. Video link

should be in your project written report.

5. Assessment

This assignment contributes towards the assessment of MECH3002. You will work for this

project and hand in a report. The report will be marked out of 100.

Report due at 11:55 PM 29th October 2023. Unless a Special Consideration request

has been submitted and approved, a 5% penalty (of the total possible mark) will be

applied each day a written assessment is not submitted, up until the 7th day (including

weekends). After the 7th day, a grade of '0' will be awarded even if the assessment is


Must reference sources of information and include a complete reference list.

The report must be well written, concise and clear.

Document must address all aspects outlined in Section 3 Your specific tasks. 6. Rubric



capability (Total 100)










Competencies to be demonstrated for High Distinction

Updated calculations for heat loss and energy loss are presented. The

estimation for the cup/mug performance still meets the requirement

set for the product.

Discussion of whether project should be modified or not in light of the

convection now being accounted.

Delivering a product

Product meets geometry, weight and holding content requirements

Your product meets the performance requirement

Your video is within the time limit, shows at least one member of the

group working on your product, shows the final product (result) and

is uploaded into a free video hosting website by the assignments due


7. Resources

You can be creative about your project. Here are some videos to give you some inspiration on how

to start your assignment. U

Fig: 1