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Assignment Requirements. Written

1000-1500 words, 10-12 point font, standard margins, double spaced, citations in

Chicago Style, divided into the following sections:

• A thesis that explains the basic concept of your building and how it ties into

18th/19th century architecture

• General description of your project

A research section placing your project in the context of the history of 18th and

19th century architecture by comparing it to at least one other building from that

period that is of a similar building type, style, or exhibits similar design principles/nGeneral description of your project

A research section placing your project in the context of the history of 18th and

19th century architecture by comparing it to at least one other building from that

period that is of a similar building type, style, or exhibits similar design principles

• A description of and justification for the style that you have chosen to design your

building in. The justification should be specific, and you are encouraged to base

your justification on the theories of style of some of the architects we have studied

in this course.

A description of the materials and structure of your building

Footnotes that cite the sources listed in your bibliography when you use

information or ideas from them

A bibliography (not part of the page count) of at least three non-website sources

(scholarly articles and books). You may use internet sources as well, which

should also be included in the bibliography.

• Images of the building(s) discussed in the historical context section. Images

should be numbered, labeled, and referred to in the text.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2