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Each student will need to identify a medical need or medical problem and submit a description by

Sunday October 30-

We will create a team of 3-4 students which then will decide which of the medical problems their team

members developed will be further investigated.

The scope of a solution to the problem will need to be manageable by a typical capstone engineering

team through the development of a device, system or process in the future.

Describing the medical need should follow the framework below.

This description should describe the treatment strategy or behavioral change you might enable. You can

mention the process or technology, but it is of secondary.

In our interdisciplinary design projects, we often focus on technical device-based solutions. However,

many medical problems can be solved using non-technical solutions. Developing processes or

regulations can be equally important.

How to go about this:

I prefer that you describe an original problem statement. If you cannot cproduce your own idea go to and identify a medical project that

interests you. You might also find ideas at:

If you know that the problem is not original, please state so in the observation section.

Frame Work:

Please keep this brief like my examples.

Problem Identification

- Observation: How did you identify the medical problem?

- Problem: What is the problem to be addressed?

- Need: What is the medical need?

- Burden: What is the burden of this problem on society and the individual?

Personal Inventory [Optional]:

- Mission: What is your aspirational goal related to this need?

- Strengths and Weaknesses: What the pros and cons that you work on this need?

- Acceptance Criteria: When would working on the solution of the need be rewarding for you?