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Coyote Wash Pueblo Chronology Construction Project

For this project, you are presented with a set of data from the Coyote Wash Pueblo, a

hypothetical Ancestral Pueblo site from the American Southwest. Using the information

provided (e.g. site plan, provided dates, ceramic information) on the course project Gaucho Space

page, write up a chronological report analyzing the history of the site. Including an introduction

and conclusion, your project report must address the following:



Reconstruct the relative chronology of the construction and expansion of

the pueblo. Using the information on the site plan (e.g., architecture, wall

alignments, presence of subfloor deposits) identify the set of rooms first

constructed. Next, determine the blocks of rooms that were apparently

added to the initial construction, and the sequence in which they were

added. Include a figure that indicates the sequence of construction,

accompanied by a written justification. You may find a color-coded

approach using the provided maps to be best suited for this.

Using the tree-ring and radiocarbon dates, offer your best interpretation

of the absolute dates associated with each construction phase or room

addition. Include a figure that indicates your best interpretation of

the chronological phases. Again, a color-coded approach may be well

suited for this.

How do you interpret the differences in the total number of pottery sherds

found on the floor's surface in each room versus the sherds found in

excavation (i.e., total fill sherds)? Include a graphical representation of

the pottery fill sequence alongside your written explanation.

The text of the Pueblo Construction Chronology Project must be approximately two [2]

pages in length or approximately 500-750 words. It must include graphs, data, and images

included in the project handout to provide support for your arguments. No sources aside from

course resources are required for this assignment. You must properly cite, in text, any resources

you do use from the class to defend your arguments. All information from these sources must

be properly cited according to Chicago Author/Date format.

Each posted question must include an associated graph/figure visualizing how you are

interpreting the relative chronology for a minimum of three [3] included figures. Each

paragraph must directly reference and explain your figures and each graph must come

with a key. Plot out and explain the patterns you observed in the archaeological record – why

did you come to the conclusions you reached given the data provided to you? Grading Criteria

Assignment Rubric

Quality: content accuracy, specificity, citations to

support arguments, depth of argument,


Quantity: adequacy (length), compactness.

definitions of terms used, provides details, provides

examples to illustrate points, comparisons used

when appropriate.

Visualization: use of graphs to visualize data.

Graphical Representation


Style: Organization

Structure: includes all listed sections. Includes

robust introduction and conclusions. Includes thesis

statement. Sequence (rational flow, logical

organization - doesn't ramble), appearance (correct

margins and headings, neatness, etc.), pagination,

correct citation format (Chicago Author/Date).

Total Score:

Style: Clarity

Sentences: clarity, relevance (on-topic), fluency, no

use of clichés, no use of unknown referents.

Paragraphs: structure (topic sentences,

development), length (not too short or too long -

minimum paragraph size is 3 sentences; a paragraph

should not extend longer than the full length of a

single page), coherence.

Diction: conciseness, no overuse of the passive

voice and weak verbs, no repetitive phrasing, does

not use exaggeration, no overuse of modifiers or

misplaced modifiers.

Vocabulary: correct word choice, no repetition of

words, no use of colloquialisms.

Style: Grammar

Use of correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Appropriate sentence length.
