Analog Electronics

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Problem 6: Consider the circuit shown in Figure 6. Do not ignore channel length modulation. (a) Calculate the input impedance. (b) Calculate the gain, Vout/Vin. (3 + 7 = 10 points) Rs Vin X M 모품 MI Figure 6 Val Vout

Problem 2. (10 points) NFET capacitance calculation In Fig. 3, assume Cox = 1fF/pm², C, = 0.1fF/μm², Cisw = Cov (also called CGDO and Caso) = 0.1fF/μm, W = 50µm, L= 0.5μm, E = 1pm. Assume all devices are in saturation Consider the transistor "layout" in Fig. 2. Calculate CGS, CGD, CDB, CSB.

Problem 1. (30 points) Current mirror with active load For the circuit in Fig. I assume IDs = 0.5mA, assume y = 0, (a) Calculate small-signal gain A, (b) Calculate CMRR

Object: To investigate the terminal characteristics of operational amplifiers and to see how they are used as dependent sources. Check experimental values using videos. Then find calculated values using it also the calculated values including the percentage difference column and then make a table in word file of both values!

For a p-channel JFET with parameters oflDss= 7.5mA and Vp= 4V. DDraw the characteristic transfer graph.

a. Determine the difference in drain current (para Vps > Vp) between VGS = OV and VGS = -1 V. b. Repeat part (a) between VGS = -1 and -2 V. c. Repeat part (a) between VGS = -2 and -3 V. d. Repeat part (a) between VGS = -3 and -4 V. e. Is there a marked change between the difference from current levels as VGs becomes more and more negative? f. ¿ls the relationship between the change in VGs and the resulting change in ID linear or non-linear explained?

Determine the following data mathematically and graphically using the circuit

For the Widlar current mirror circuit shown below, design the circuit to provide a current lout=100μA, if IR2=612μA. Hence, find the value of R₂ (in kmΩ).

a. Plot transfer features directly from drain features. b. Using the graph to establish the values of IDSS y V₂, tplot transfer characteristics using Shockley's equation (ID = IDSS (1-VGS/VP)² c. Compare the characteristics of parts a) and b). Is there any important difference?

For the emitter follower circuit (EF) shown below, find the value for the input impedance Rin in (MΩ) if current Ic=1.4mA, given that RE=10kΩ, RS=0, RL = ∞ .

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