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A switching circuit shown in the figure below operates to transfer the energy stored in the capacitor (EC = CVC/2) intoenergy stored in the inductor (EL = LIL/2), with components

L= 100 mH, C= 1000 pF, and an ideal diode. Theswitch S is operated at constant duty cycle D= 0.5 and a switching frequency fs - 10 klz. At t=0 the capacitor ischarged to an initial voltage VC = 100 V and the inductor current is zero. Assume that switching frequency is muchgreater than the circuit resonant frequency; i.e., 2nfs >> (LC)-/2. After many switching cycles, all of the charge onthe capacitor will be transferred into inductor current. Determine the final value of inductor current IL if all thecapacitor energy in transferred into inductive energy. (Select the one best answer from the choices given below.)

Fig: 1

Fig: 2