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7. Your goal as a researcher is to understand if there is a relationship between whether or adultsfelt they had a close (or not close) relationship with their family and their level of happiness. Thedata below represent this relationship in a random sample of 32 adults living in Montreal. Variable: Relationship with Family (Not Close or Close). Variable: Level of Happiness (Not Happy, Somewhat Happy, Happy)

What is the unit of analysis? b) What is the level of measurement of each variable? c) Formulate an hypothesis d) Construct a properly labeled Crosstabulation table reporting frequencies and appropriate percentages (i.e. standardize percentages along the independent variable). e) Is your hypothesis supported? Explain the relationship (use percentages to support your answer). f) What percentage of the total are adults who feel close to members of their family and are also somewhat happy (show your work)? Interpret.

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