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The project will be a very important part of the course. Sample topics include human factors

and applications in healthcare, patient safety and telemedicine, transportation, computer,

robotics, mechatronics, manufacturing, and service industries.

The project will start with literature dealing with a specific aspect of human factors

problems. The project report must include the following sections:

1. Introduction and Motivation

2. Literature review

3. Research methods

4. Data Analysis and Results

5. Discussions and Conclusions

6. References

Project phases:

During the semester, you need to present and submit the report for three phases: Phase 1

project proposal, Phase II project progress, and Phase III final project.

Phase I project proposal: you are required to define the research question/issue,

supported by reviewing recent literatures. You should finish the Introduction and

Motivation. Literature Review, and your plan of Research Methods, Each team is required to

submit a project proposal (2 pages).

Phase II project progress: you are required to finish the third section Research Methods

which consists of the 3.1 Participants, 3.2 Experiment Design, 3.3 Measurements, and 3.4

Procedures. The Pilot Testing as the first part of Results also should be completed. In Phase II

you will need to present and submit the project progress report (6 pages).

Phase III final project: you are required to finish recruiting all subjects and finish all

sections. You can separate the Conclusion and Discussion into two sections. It depends on

the extent of your project. If your discussion has at least one column to one page, you should

separate them into two sections. If it is only half of the column, they shouldn't be separated.

The conclusion usually uses non-technical words to summarize your project into 3-5

sentences in one paragraph. The discussion usually discusses the pros and cons, limitations,

future works of the project. In Phase III you are required to give a final project presentation

and complete the project final report (10 pages).

Project Presentation Format and Submission:

1) A 12 min oral presentation should be presented by students for project proposal,

project progress, and final project.

2) Your team is required to record and upload the presentation slides and video (in

.mp4) on the Discussion Board by the due time. Zoom recording function is

suggested to create the video.

3) The Discussions Board section on Canvas is the interaction area we will use. Under

each subject entitled "Project Proposal/Project Progress/Final Project Discussion",

upload your video by creating a new reply to the subject.

4) You will also comment on other teams' videos in Discussions Board. Each student

will need to comment on all other teams' videos in the following 3 days. You may

lose points if you do not review and comment on other teams' work.

5) For the final project presentation, each student will evaluate other students'

presentation based on an Evaluation Rubrics.

Project report

You are expected to use the project report template for all report submissions from Phase I-

III. The report is cumulative, which you can continue writing on the report of the previous

phase. A final report of your project should outline the work done or planned on the project.

It should be presented in the form of an IEEE research paper.

You are the author of the project, and thus you should include your own interpretation,

opinion and recommendations, etc. It is allowed to include figures or quotations from other

sources provided that they are properly referenced.

Project Report format:

Please use the Project Report template for both project proposal and project report.

Individual or group projects: For students enrolled in the on-ground section, the course will

culminate in a group project, with each team consisting of no more than three members

For students enrolled in the online section, you have the flexibility to choose your own

individual projects, or form as groups (not more than three members) in the online setting.

The course platform will facilitate opportunities to connect with classmates virtually, making

it easier to find teammates. Whether you're working individually or in a team, the project aims

to synthesize the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course, offering a substantive

evaluation of your grasp on the subje matter.

Fig: 1