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12. Plot the data above (volume vs time in sec) on graph paper and draw the line-of-best-fit through the first 3 or 4 of the data points.(Graph paper given. Label axes correctly)13. From the slope (rise over run) of this line of best fit what is the initial rate of reaction in mL O2 produced per sec.14. Convert this to mol/sec using the ideal gas law.15. Convert this to rate of reaction of hydrogen peroxide reacted per sec. (Hint: This will be twice the rate of oxygen production based on the stoichiometry as two H2O2 decompose to make one O2.) 16. Convert this to concentration of hydrogen peroxide reacted per second in the reaction(Assume the reaction volume is 10 mL and the units are mol L's').

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3