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1. Find a topic that YOU are personally interested in the news right now. The topic just needs to be

2023 news event (can be current events, politics, war reporting, technology news, entertainment

news, health news, sports news, etc.. Your topic just needs to be something in our news landscape

that you are interested in, passionate about, or just curious about. It's totally up to you what news

event you want to focus on).

2. Research that topic:

Use at two different traditional print journalism sources (newspapers either print or online. Print

journalism is sources like The Oregonian, New York Times, Washington Post, etc...basically if it's a

newspaper that also has an online format. You can also use non-US based newspapers like Times

India, London Times, Al Jeezera etc),

Use one piece of broadcast journalism (Broadcast journalism is what you see on television, or videos

on a news website. You probably will need to search on CNN/ABC/CBS etc..websites for videos, or

YouTube. You can also use non-US based news sources).

Use at least one piece of academic, industry trade journal, medical, legal, or government source

about the topic. For example, if your topic is EV vehicles, you might look at automotive industry

journals or technology academic or trade journals, or even legal journals if there are legal issues like

with Tesla. For something like entertainment news, you might need to look for media studies

journals, music journals etc...

3. Based on your research, create a piece of comics journalism highlighting what YOU feel are the

voices and information that need to be highlighted that may or may not be highlighted in the other

forms of journalism you researched on the topic./n4. You will need to draw/paint/design a 4 panel piece of comics journalism. Can be black and white

or in color. I believe you can also use Canva if you aren't hand drawing your comic.

5. You will need to upload your comic to Canvas as a PDF. Canvas can be persnickety with other


Fig: 1

Fig: 2