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1. Analyze a well-known company that operates in a rapidly changing industry¹ (e.g.,

technology, biotech, etc.). Explain how the company balances short-term operational

needs with long-term innovation efforts (ambidexterity). Provide specific examples of

resource allocation decisions that support both aspects, for example in terms of R&D

budget allocation or M&As. Please discuss which way(s) to implement ambidexterity

is/are adopted in the firm you are considering. [max 500 words]

2. Research a case where a company successfully implemented open innovation practices.

Describe the challenges the company faced when integrating ideas from external sources

and traditional organizational boundaries. Assess the strategies used to overcome these

challenges and capitalize on external innovation. [max 500 words]

3. You are an aspiring entrepreneur planning to launch a new fitness-oriented mobile app

designed to help users establish healthier lifestyle habits. The app offers personalized

workout routines, nutrition tracking, and progress monitoring. Apply the concepts of

customer segmentation and monetization from Bill Aulet's book, "Disciplined

Entrepreneurship," to this startup idea. Please consider the following steps [max 1,000


a. Customer Segmentation: Identify and define at least three distinct target customer

segments for your fitness app. Describe each segment's characteristics, needs,

preferences, and pain points. Justify your selection of these segments based on the

principles of customer segmentation outlined in Aulet's book.

b. Monetization Strategy: For each identified customer segment, propose a specific

monetization strategy that aligns with their perceived value and willingness to pay.

Explain how you would price your app or its features to maximize revenue from

each segment. Consider factors such as pricing models, tiered offerings, and any

potential discounts.

c. Justification: Clearly explain the rationale behind your monetization strategy for

each segment, and following your reasoning, choose your beachhead segment.

Fig: 1